How to get rid of woodlice - the best remedies for an apartment, bathroom and greenhouse

Woodlice are not insects; they belong to the crustacean family. Since they love moisture, they live in damp and dark places, near bodies of water and in thickets of weeds. The basis of their diet is rotten plants. They cause great harm to garden crops because they eat crops and all healthy vegetation. Due to dampness, woodlice also appear in apartments, which in itself is already unpleasant. High humidity is considered the main factor for the appearance and reproduction of small pests. It is important to know how to get rid of woodlice in an apartment and to immediately take measures to get rid of them.

What do woodlice look like and where are they found?

The body of the crustacean is made of hard plates.
Its length is 2 cm, consists of 7 parts. Each has a pair of legs. It has a dark brown (black) color. The peculiarity of these creatures is that they have gills, but they can also breathe on land. The places where crustaceans like to settle have high humidity. The following types of woodlice are found in buildings:

  • Rough: moves quickly, has a red tint. When in danger, it cannot curl up into a ball.
  • Common: black, with a raised shell. Lives in damp places. During the period of threat, it rolls into a ball.

Causes of wood lice

High humidity and comfortable warm air temperature are two key reasons for the frequent appearance of woodlice in the bathroom and sanitary room. In search of food and favorable habitats, they move through the ventilation and sewer systems, water pipes into apartments.

There are other ways for woodlice to enter an apartment. Sometimes crustaceans are brought into the house on their soles with particles of earth. In the store you can become the “lucky” owner of contaminated soil for indoor plants. Once free, woodlice will quickly increase the population size and occupy secluded corners of the house.

The likelihood of crustacean bugs appearing in rooms with high humidity increases many times if:

  • crumbs and other food debris are constantly scattered on the floor;
  • Pets’ bowl is always filled with stale food;
  • The apartment is rarely wet cleaned;
  • In the kitchen, garbage is constantly stored under the sink, and bread crumbs remain on the table.

The small size of the body allows woodlice to penetrate into the smallest crevices. Their appearance is rarely associated with unsatisfactory sanitary conditions. Woodlice are attracted to high humidity, so special attention should be paid to the efficiency of the ventilation system, the presence of damaged pipes and water leaks.

General description of insects

Woodlice are classified as a suborder of crustaceans. Under natural conditions, these small pests reproduce and live in rotten wood and damp litter. They do not pose any particular danger, but the very proximity to these creatures causes disgust and hostility.

Their activity peaks in the spring and autumn months. They breed in the summer. In this case, the female keeps the eggs in a special sac attached to her body. She moves with him from place to place until she finds a place that is safe for the development of larvae. It is easy to distinguish these insects by their appearance. They have a rounded body, which is divided into sections:

  • head;
  • chest;
  • stomach.

What is surprising is that these creatures breathe through their gills. During their existence, woodlice have managed to adapt to land conditions.

Classification of parasites

Several dozen species of woodlice are found in Russia. Of these, only 2 varieties can be found within the apartment. This:

  • armadillo woodlouse;
  • rough.

For these insects, human housing is not the most suitable place to live. That is why only the most unpretentious representatives can exist here. Scientists say that our country has already developed its own unique species of these creatures. Each of them has its own distinctive features that set them apart from other crustaceans.

Everything is quite simple: there is excessive humidity - wood lice appear in the apartment. It is not difficult to understand how to get rid of them, because there are many available methods. But the first priority is still the elimination of the factor contributing to their spread.

Armadillo (Armadillidium vulgare)

This type is most widespread and is considered the most famous. Its characteristic feature is the presence of a high shell and a dark body color. This parasite can be found quite rarely in apartments. He prefers to live in a damp cellar, basement, and heating mains. In villages and cities it is found in gardens, along roadsides and wastelands. To detect it, just lift a stone or any other object located on the ground.

This species feeds on living and decaying plants. Its presence in front gardens and vegetable gardens can cause significant damage to plantings. On the other hand, they prefer weeds rather than cultivated species. The armadillo has a miniature size and moves slowly. When trying to catch it, the insect curls up into a ball. This species, quite by accident, during one shipment, came from Europe to the United States, where it spread on a catastrophic scale. Now in California there are places where you can find over 10,000 individuals per square meter.

Rough (Porcellio scaber)

This type is most often found in residential premises. Such insects are quite mobile, compared to the armadillo, they run much faster. It costs them nothing to move between floors of apartment buildings and enter old attics, sometimes in whole hordes. If the roof of a building is leaking and no one is in a hurry to fix it, most likely, parasites will soon arrive here.

Professional exterminators know well how to get rid of woodlice quickly. But often home owners decide to deal with uninvited guests on their own.

This species got its name because of the rough surface that can be felt when an individual is caught. In any danger, she does not curl up into a ball, but arches her body and simultaneously moves her ten legs in order to quickly escape. Its shell is quite flat and soft. It may vary in color. There are representatives with black, reddish and white colors, with an inconspicuous pink tint. Individuals with a dark body shade are found mainly when moving towards the east. Once introduced into an apartment, this species can become a potential pest, especially if it gets into a pantry where fruits and vegetables are stored.

Ways to fight

Pest destruction must be comprehensive:

  • Be sure to adjust the humidity in the apartment: reduce dampness, check the ventilation system and the condition of the pipelines.
  • It is recommended to seal cracks in the bathroom and toilet.
  • The garbage that has accumulated under the bathroom must be removed - this will deprive the wood lice of housing.

For further control, use mechanical, folk and chemical methods. The first 2 options are effective only when the arthropods have not yet had time to reproduce and settle.

Mechanical methodFolk recipesChemicals
  1. Take a broom and wet it. Place it overnight in places where woodlice accumulate (at night, individuals will crawl under wet rods). In the morning, carefully remove the broom from the room and shake it outside. Repeat the procedure 2 times.
  2. Also, for physical destruction, you can sprinkle salt in the corners of the bathroom or place a bucket of lime.
  1. Make 2-3 holes in potatoes or carrots and leave overnight. These root vegetables contain a lot of moisture, which attracts woodlice. In the morning, destroy vegetables with specimens crawling into them.
  2. Mix red pepper, tobacco powder, soda (1:1:1). Dissolve in water, stir. Use the resulting solution to treat areas of accumulation.
Gett, Tarrax, Mole are suitable for treating walls and floors. Among the universal remedies that will help, if necessary, get rid of ants or cockroaches is Tetrix. The dosage is indicated in the instructions.

When working with chemicals, be sure to wear a mask and gloves.

If there are no results, and wood lice continue to spread throughout the apartment, a thorough treatment of the premises by specialist pest controllers is required.

Watch a video on how to get rid of woodlice in an apartment:

Today there are about four and a half thousand species of these creatures in the world. Pests live in all climatic regions of the planet. From our materials you will learn about what these crustaceans feed on and how to deal with white wood lice.

So, woodlice are small individuals that represent the crustacean subtype. They have an unpleasant appearance. The greatest threat to house plants in an apartment is that they eat roots and leaves, leading to death. They do not bite humans or animals. When several individuals appear, it is necessary to begin fighting them.

Why do crustaceans appear and what do they eat?

Woodlice do not tolerate light and are active at night. Appear in rooms such as toilets and bathrooms. In houses they are found under wall coverings and tiles. On the street - under the roots of trees, in a pile of rotting leaves.

They feed on dirt in the crevices of the bathroom, particles of human skin, paper that has fallen and become wet, and rotting plants. If there are wood lice in the bathroom, how to get rid of them? Of course, contact the SES.

Crustaceans harm gardeners and flower growers. They carry diseases dangerous to plants. Cacti, orchids, and ferns—plants with weak roots—can suffer from them. They eat vegetables and fruits in the cellar. However, the activity of crustaceans helps enrich the soil and provide nutrients. And woodlice prefer decaying vegetation.

In damp conditions they reproduce and live for about a year.

Why do wood lice appear?

Distinctive features of woodlice:

  • Small sizes (up to 1 centimeter);
  • Brown-brown or marble-gray color;
  • Segmented carapace;
  • Seven pairs of legs and characteristic antennae.

Woodlice are most often found in the kitchen or bathroom. The reasons for this are two main factors that positively influence the development of woodlice:

  • Nutrition. Woodlice feed on rotting vegetables or fruits, decomposing plants, and other products from the trash can;
  • Dampness. Wood lice need a high level of humidity, so they live on wet walls or pipes.

In addition, you can find woodlice on indoor plants.

Cleaning will help get rid of wood lice

You can get rid of dampness in rooms where there are unpleasant neighbors. Fans and air conditioners are used for drying, and in the future, moisture absorbers and regular ventilation will help maintain the moisture level at the desired level. To prevent woodlice from reappearing, seal cracks in baseboards and floors with sealant, and fix leaking pipes.

Where woodlice hide in the apartment

If there are wood lice in the house, it is not difficult to detect them. To do this, just turn on the light in the bathroom sharply at night. Small individuals will quickly scatter into corners. In a private house, woodlice can live in the cellar, and in a summer cottage - in a compost pit, greenhouse, under damp and stale building materials.

Where do woodlice hide in the apartment? They choose the wettest places: under the toilet, sink, bathtub. If the pipes in the house are damaged and leaking, wood lice will quickly occupy such an area with comfortable living conditions.

The list of all the places where woodlice can be found is quite impressive:

  • under the sink and sink;
  • under the bath;
  • in the sanitary room;
  • in the urn;
  • near sewer and water pipes;
  • in flower pots;
  • under the cat and dog's bowl;
  • near the dishwasher;
  • on the bottom shelf of the dish drainer;
  • near the washing machine;
  • in the storage area for buckets and mops;
  • in any rooms where moisture accumulates or condensation settles.

Free space under the bathtub or a niche in the toilet is often used to store bottles of cleaning products and household chemicals. This is one of the favorite places for woodlice to camouflage. During each cleaning, it is recommended to wipe the containers from dust, rearrange them and inspect them for the presence of pests.

Strategy for exterminating woodlice

Eliminating arthropods from your apartment is not an easy task. Setting traps or trying to collect individuals manually will lead to nothing. Such actions are not effective. As a rule, woodlice populations are very numerous and losses are easily replenished due to the fertility of these creatures. Any half measures will reduce their number only temporarily, especially if their main habitat is outside your home (for example, in the attic or with neighbors).

Thus, only comprehensive measures can solve the problem:

  1. Blocking possible entry routes for arthropods from the outside.
  2. Extermination of pests that are already present in the home.
  3. Creating an unfavorable environment for life.
  4. Destruction of an external source of influx, if any.

The most effective way to get rid of these pests is to eliminate excess moisture. Then they simply will not be able to survive, since they use the gills on their legs to breathe. However, this is practically impossible in the bathroom, where they most often live.

Potential Difficulties

The use of chemical components may be potentially dangerous. This is why they require considerable caution. After the component used has taken effect, it should be removed from the treatment site. Children, family members with allergies, and pets should be moved to another place for the period of insect control.

The person handling synthetic products must wear a mask and gloves. Windows must be left open. It is believed that chlorine and quicklime have the greatest effect on wood lice.

How to kill woodlice: store-bought products

Disinsection can be carried out independently, without the involvement of specialists. Chemicals available freely on store shelves will help destroy parasites.

Insecticidal aerosols

Aerosols against woodlice

The advantage of this category of products is convenience and speed of use. In order to treat the surface from annoying insects, you do not need to prepare a solution or special mixture.

When applied, the insecticide almost immediately causes the death of woodlice. After spraying, the particles of the substance deposited on the surface will be carried by the remaining individuals throughout the room.

Popular aerosols include:

  1. Get is an insecticide with low toxicity and a high degree of destruction. The active substance remains on the paws of woodlice, which independently spread the poison throughout their habitat.
  2. Delicia is an effective aerosol that is safe to use for humans and pets. The product quickly destroys insects, and the remaining odor prevents the further appearance of the woodlice population.
  3. "Raptor" for crawling insects - professional protection against woodlice. The effectiveness of the drug is confirmed by the manufacturer's tests. The fresh mint scented aerosol is safe for use in residential areas.
  4. "Combat Superspray" effectively destroys woodlice. When treating a room, it is recommended to use a respirator to avoid contact of product vapors with mucous membranes. The aerosol includes substances that kill not only insect pests, but also fungi and other pathogenic microorganisms.

Concentrated sprays

These products are used by many pest control services. Thanks to the active ingredients, it becomes possible to treat large areas of insect habitat.

The most popular products are "Delta Zone" and "Taran". "Delta Zone" is a modern insecticide that destroys insects. Its advantage is the complete absence of odor, which allows the treatment of residential premises.

Insecticidal powders

Such products are intended for dry treatment of premises. The effectiveness of the powder is low, since not all individuals move on a horizontal surface.

Therefore, powders are used as an additional pest control measure. "Tarax" is recommended for the destruction of several types of insects, one of which is woodlice. The product is sold in small sachets and diluted with water before use. The resulting solution is sprayed or the room is treated with a damp sponge.

Gels and pencils

Crayon products are recommended if you're on a budget, but like gels, they need to be reapplied monthly. Products such as:

  • "Titanic";
  • "Mashenka";
  • "Attack";
  • "Dohlox."

Chemistry helps get rid of insects and woodlice, creating a barrier through which pests are unable to pass. Any gels and pencils aimed at fighting ants or cockroaches will do. A significant drawback is the application method. The products are not suitable for large rooms and will wear off after 20-30 days.

Sticky insect traps

The advantages of such products are a low degree of toxicity, ease of use and the absence of danger for children and beloved pets. Devices are used only in easily accessible areas. Global and Argus traps are effective.

Important! Sticky traps do not deal with the cause of pests, but only destroy individual individuals. Their use is only effective as an addition to basic control measures.

Poisonous baits

, "Brownie" and "Global" release sticky traps. There is a concentrated insecticide inside. Among professional means, baits are among the least effective. They are recommended when you need to remove a small number of woodlice.


Fumigators are safe for humans, operate silently and help quickly get rid of woodlice in the apartment. The destruction of insects occurs as a result of the evaporation of toxic substances.

Attention! When choosing a device, take into account the area of ​​the room.

Read more about using Cifox

The product Cifox has a pronounced insectoacaricidal effect against cockroaches, ants, bedbugs, fleas, flies, mosquitoes, scabies and rat mites. The residual effect of the drug lasts about 1-3 months (depending on the type of insect).

For self-treatment, use a pump sprayer or a household sprayer.

To prepare working emulsions, the product is diluted with water at room temperature, stirring evenly. Calculation of the amount of concentrate required to prepare the working emulsion is given in the table.

Species of arthropod Concentration (%) according to DV Ratio (concentrate; water, ml) for preparing liters of working water emulsion
1 l 5 l 10 l
Cockroaches 0,1 4:996 20:4980 40:9960
Bedbugs, fleas, ants, rat and scabies mites, lice 0,05 2:998 10:4990 20:9980
Flies winged (outdoors) 0,1 4:996 20:4980 40:9960
Flies larvae 0,1 4:996 20:4980 40:9960
Flies winged (in


0,01 0,4:999,6 2:4998 4:9996
Mosquitoes and their larvae 0,01 0,4:999,6 2:4998 4:9996
Ixodid ticks when processing clothes 0125 5,995 25:4975 50:9950
Genus of ticks Quantities of working emulsion, l/ha Product consumption rate, l/ha Concentration of working emulsion, % Amount of product in working emulsion, ml
By Far East Within your means 1 l 5 l 10 l
Ixodes 100 0,50 0,125 0,50 5,0 25,0 50,0
0,75 0,188 0,75 7,5 37,5 75,0
Dermace ntor 1,25 0,313 1,25 12,5 62,5 125,0

To destroy cockroaches , the working solution is used to treat places where insects accumulate, nest and move, paying special attention to the following places: cracks and holes in floors and walls, door frames, thresholds, floor and ceiling skirting boards, ventilation holes, pipe joints, cladding, kitchen furniture . If there are a large number of insects, the entire room should be treated at once (even those rooms where there were no insects). This is carried out in order to prevent the migration of cockroaches to other territories and their further spread. When insects appear, re-treatment is carried out.

When treating bedbugs , the entire room is often not treated. If the number of parasites is insignificant, only their habitats are treated with the working solution. If there is a high infestation of bed bugs, the areas where wallpaper has peeled off, baseboards, window frames, door frames and ventilation holes, cracks in walls, back walls of furniture, carpets, and mattresses should also be treated. It is not recommended to treat bed linen with the working solution; it must be washed at high temperatures. After 5-7 days, it is recommended to re-treat, as young offspring may appear from the larvae that you may have missed.

To destroy ants , the working solution is sprayed on the places of accumulation and movement (paths) of insects.

When treating fleas , the working solution should expose walls (up to a height of 1 meter from the floor), the entire floor surface, various floor coverings, baseboards and cracks. When processing basements, it is necessary to get rid of garbage and clutter and thoroughly treat the entire room. Pet beds should also be treated and washed well after 24 hours.

To kill rat mites, treat walls and floors near heating pipes, baseboards, work tables, and the bottom and back walls of furniture. If necessary, re-treatment can be carried out only after 7-10 days.

When treating against flies and mosquitoes , insect landing sites, as well as external walls, garbage chutes and garbage containers should be treated with a working solution. To destroy fly larvae, cesspools and waste can be treated once every 20-30 days. To destroy mosquito larvae with a working solution, it is necessary to treat the surfaces of closed reservoirs, basements, and large containers with standing water.

Disinsection at railway and metro facilities is carried out in premises, including carriages of various types, service and special purpose carriages, dining cars and canteens, and other stationary departmental facilities in the absence of people. In subway cars, cracks in and under seats are treated, including along baseboards, entrance and side door cracks. At metro stations, cracks along columns and benches for passengers must be treated; cabins and rooms for station attendants, meal rooms, showers, toilets and garbage bins, inspection ditches and escalator slopes.

When using Tsifox against ticks (of the ixodes and dermacentor genus), it is necessary to completely treat the selected area. First of all, it is necessary to clear the area of ​​leaves, mown grass, branches and other litter in which ticks can live. The remaining vegetation on the site must be processed.

Treatment is carried out 3-5 days before people visit the area and under favorable climatic conditions for a period of at least 3 days.

For preventive purposes, you can create a barrier 50-100 meters wide around the site from crushed stone, sand and other things.

It is prohibited to carry out sanitary measures near sources of fishing and drinking water. Grazing of livestock on the treated area is allowed only after 40 days.

To treat a room from lice and scabies mites, use a working solution to treat the floor, chairs and other objects with which infected people have been in contact. If necessary, treatment is carried out daily after receiving visitors.

In order to protect against ticks and fleas, clothes and linen are treated by irrigation until lightly dampened, paying special attention to collars, belts, seams and folds of fabric. Clothes treated with the product must be dried flat out in the open air in the shade or in a well-ventilated area for 2 hours. Things can only be used after they are completely dry and thoroughly ventilated.

Special baits

The duration of action of some drugs is several hours, if the dose and concentration are observed.


A universal substance against ants, bedbugs, cockroaches and woodlice – Tetrix insecticide.

Bought for 80 rubles. 1 g of the drug, diluted in a glass of water (200 ml), can destroy all insects and crustaceans on the area treated with a spray.

You can use the bait regularly, as it is not addictive.


Woodlice, fleas, ticks and bedbugs disappear completely after 2 days when using the new Tetrix product. Its constituent cypermethrin is a pesticide that is often found in home gardens and agriculture.

250 ml of the drug is relatively expensive - about 2000 rubles. Using the product for a small house or apartment is expensive. But when there is an invasion of woodlice in multi-storey buildings, it is still cheaper than calling special services.


As you know, the main food of woodlice is plants, and indoor ones are no exception. Plus, these crustaceans compact the soil in flower pots, and the plant literally suffocates and dies due to the fact that air access to the soil becomes impossible.

Aktara is an excellent remedy for treating soil against woodlice. The drug has a systemic rather than contact effect: the poison spreads through the tissues of the plant and it becomes toxic to crustaceans for some time.

In order not to harm the plant when using Aktara, you must strictly follow the dosages specified in the instructions. The product is mixed with water for irrigation in a certain ratio or slightly less concentration. Additionally, it is possible to spray the plant with diluted Aktara from a spray bottle.

In addition to the listed remedies and many others, you can always contact specialists from the SES to destroy any parasites, including wood lice. This is especially appropriate if there is no money to buy expensive insecticides or there is no time or desire to do it yourself.

Folk methods to help get rid of woodlice

There are many folk remedies for fighting woodlice. They have a certain level of effectiveness, as well as safety for pets and children.

The most popular method is spraying boric acid

One of the most common methods is to spray a boric acid solution in areas where wood lice accumulate. Using this product you can destroy a certain number of insects, but you will need to treat the room multiple times.

Boric acid powder diluted with water is a good way to get rid of woodlice.

Economical method of destruction - dry kvass

Dry kvass can be purchased at the store. Its smell repels woodlice, forcing them to leave the room.

  1. Take 0.5 liters of boiling water and dissolve 100 g of dry kvass in it.
  2. Spray the resulting solution in the bathroom, toilet, along cracks, on shelves, corners and on the floor.
  3. Close the room for 8–10 hours.
  4. After the specified time has passed, rinse off the solution with a cloth and clean water.

A solution based on dry kvass repels wood lice

We fight insects with soda and pepper

Baking soda and pepper are poisonous to wood lice. When the solution gets on the shell, it destroys it, leading to the death of the insect.

  1. Dissolve 3 grams of baking soda and 3 grams of red pepper powder in 1 liter of cold water.
  2. Use the resulting solution to treat areas where pests accumulate.

A solution of baking soda and pepper destroys the shell of woodlice, leading to their death

A method suitable for a basement, cellar or garage

Take salt and sprinkle it on the floor and in the corners of the room affected by woodlice. You can also prepare a saline solution and spray it over surfaces. Using this method, you will be able to drive away uninvited guests from your apartment, basement or garage.

Salt scattered in corners and on the floor makes woodlice leave the room

How to poison wood lice in the bathroom and toilet - video


Like boric acid, it is diluted with water in a ratio of 50 g per 1000 ml. When processing, be sure to wear a mask and gloves, since it is caustic and has an unpleasant odor that lasts for a long time. To remove it, after a few hours the sprayed solution is washed off with clean water and the surfaces are thoroughly dried.


If you leave a bucket of quicklime in the room all night, it can poison woodlice. For the full effect, you need to close the doors and windows tightly. Pets and residents will be required to spend some time in another area.


A woodlice trap can be made from potatoes. Animals will gather if potato halves (with a hole cut out) are placed around the perimeter overnight.

The method does not provide 100% results, but with repeated use it will help get rid of crustaceans.

Red pepper + tobacco + soda

Among the folk methods of removing wood lice, a mixture of tobacco, hot pepper and soda stands out. Crustaceans leave their places of settlement if they are treated with a solution of these components. Take 3 g of each, dilute with water to obtain a liquid that can be sprayed (1 liter is enough).

Attention! When diluting the mixture, there should be no sediment left.

A sponge or dispenser is suitable for application. The solution should be left on the surface for at least 12 hours. You can apply the treatment in the evening and leave the mixture overnight. The solution is used to treat horizontal and vertical surfaces. Particular attention must be paid to cracks. After application, the room is closed to prevent air from entering. The solution must be washed off with chlorinated water.


Table salt is considered an inexpensive and simple way to remove larvae. Iodized or sea salt of any degree of grinding is suitable. It is necessary to prepare a solution of 5-7 tbsp. l. salt and 1 liter of water. After mixing thoroughly, it is applied to the affected areas and left for 5-8 hours. You can use salt in dry form, pouring it along the baseboards and in the corners. In this case, it acts as a barrier.

Birch brooms

Foliage and wood branches have an attractive scent for woodlice. Birch brooms are placed in the corners of the room and left overnight. After use, preferably early in the morning, they are removed from the premises and burned. Birch brooms are a delicacy for woodlice, so this method is considered one of the most effective.

Steam generator

Woodlice are afraid of high temperatures, so to get rid of them in a house or apartment, you can use a steam generator. The equipment can be manual or floor-mounted; it requires only plain water to operate. Places where wood lice accumulate are treated with hot steam under high pressure. Pests die instantly from this treatment. At the same time, owners have the opportunity to remove dirt and grease from surfaces.

Folk methods of dealing with woodlice

To minimize your own time costs, it is recommended to use chemical poisons and traditional methods together. The only enemy in the natural habitat of woodlice is spiders of the genus Dysdera. These insects purposefully hunt wood lice and are capable of destroying all crustaceans in a short period of time, but using such biological weapons in an apartment, to put it mildly, is not the best option.

Long before the discovery of the table of chemical elements by the great Russian scientist Dmitri Mendeleev, our great-grandmothers used folk remedies to destroy rodents and birds that were engaged in “stealing” fruit and vegetable products from gardens, not to mention tiny crustaceans - grandmothers got rid of wood lice quickly and effectively.

Let's turn to people's experience. To combat uninvited guests the following were used:

  • sagebrush;
  • hellebore;
  • hogweed

The above plants are poisonous and can cause severe poisoning if handled carelessly!

To expel woodlice from a living space, you can use the following folk recipes:

Mustard powder Powder in the amount of 20 g is infused in 2 liters of water for 24 hours. The resulting suspension is used to water the soil in flower pots, and also apply the product under sinks, toilets, bathtubs and sinks. Pipes with cold water also need to be treated with this composition to prevent woodlice from migrating through them from neighboring rooms.

Red hot pepper Approximately 100 g of pepper is ground in a meat grinder and infused in 1 liter of cold water for 10 days. The infusion is diluted with water in a ratio of 1/100 and the plants are treated.

Garlic Peeled and chopped garlic cloves weighing 100 g are infused in 2 liters of cold water for 10 days. The infusion is used to treat the places where wood lice are located, as well as the plants they feed on.

Potato trap You need to make a hole in half of the tuber and put the potato in a pot with soil. This is a favorable habitat for woodlice, so they will definitely gather here. All that remains is to periodically clean the trap.

Folk remedies are an excellent alternative to using chemicals to combat woodlice. But it must be said that the effectiveness of many of them is questionable, and some methods are so inconvenient that it is better to abandon them.

Tobacco, salt, pepper A mixture of tobacco, red pepper and salt is diluted in water and the walls and ceiling are wiped with the resulting solution. In addition, salt is used in the form of a saline solution to combat insects. In this case, the wood lice do not die, but they try to avoid the treated areas.

Gasoline and kerosene

Gasoline and kerosene are good for repelling woodlice. However, their smell is very unpleasant and persistent; it will be impossible to tolerate it at home. Moreover, we must not forget that kerosene, gasoline and alcohol, which are also used to combat woodlice, are fire hazardous substances. These products should not be used on walls in the kitchen to avoid fire.

Almost every home has pepper, potatoes, mustard and garlic, which can be used at any time to eliminate unwanted multi-legged guests.

Preventive measures

You already know where woodlice come from in the bathroom and what attracts them. Disturbed microclimate of the room, lack of cleaning and light are three reasons for living next to them. Therefore, we must begin to destroy them by eliminating favorable conditions for them.


Throw away old sponges, napkins, mats, and trash. Wipe down all surfaces, including walls, under sinks, bathtubs, and the bathroom fixtures themselves. It is better to do this with some detergent. It is not necessary to repeat this cleaning every day. Once a week or a little less often is enough.

Dry the bathroom and keep it in that condition. After using the shower or sink, wipe up spills on the floor, wall, and surrounding objects. Try to follow this rule at least once a day. Check all pipes for damage and replace leaking areas. The slightest leak will delay the process for a long time.

Access limitation

How to remove woodlice from the bathroom and toilet so that they do not appear again? One of the most effective means is to seal all the cracks and cover the ventilation with a fine mesh. Fix any leaks and inspect the floor and walls for cracks. If there are any, seal them with silicone sealant. Also close the gaps between the bathtub, sink and wall. Gaps in water pipes can be sealed with alabaster or foam. Perhaps the source of the invasion is not in your apartment. Inspect the ventilation mesh - are there any holes in it?

Creating a favorable microclimate

Leave the bathroom door open and ventilate the apartment after each water procedure or at night. Check if the ventilation is working well. This can be done using a paper strip. Open the windows and door, hold the leaf to the hood. If it sticks to the hole, then everything is fine. Having a heated towel rail or heater on helps a lot - their heat will dry the water faster. If possible, avoid drying large amounts of clothing indoors.

Preventive actions

To avoid having to use chemicals against woodlice in your apartment, it is better to prevent their occurrence. Here are some steps that will help you avoid this problem in your home:

Ventilate the room more often. Take out the trash can. Don't store trash. Wash and disinfect the bucket. Do not leave food out in the open in the kitchen. Fix pipe leaks in a timely manner. The plumbing must be in good working order. Cracks in floors, walls, and around baseboards must be sealed. The inlet and outlet of water and sewer pipes at the points where they connect to the floor and the gaps must be carefully sealed. After the floor in the kitchen and bathroom is washed, it must be wiped without leaving wet areas. It is necessary to thoroughly wash and wipe the floors under beds, closets, and behind sofas.

Clean ventilation shafts regularly. It is better to dry clothes outside, rather than in the bathroom or kitchen. Trays of flower pots should be wiped dry, avoiding stagnation of moisture. Peeled wallpaper must be glued and dried. During periods of high humidity, use dehumidifiers.

Let's summarize how to deal with woodlice in an apartment. First, block all routes of their entry from the outside. Choose an insecticide based on safety for humans and pets. An expensive product does not mean it is effective. Follow the instructions for use of any drug. By following simple prevention methods, you will protect your home not only from woodlice, but also from other unpleasant insects.


TOP 5 means of combating woodlice

In addition to all kinds of folk remedies for getting rid of these bugs, special means are also used that are commercially available to the public for independent use, without the involvement of professionals in the field of pest control. Let's consider the most relevant of them.


  • The drug is universal and is capable of destroying not only woodlice, but also cockroaches, bedbugs, ants and fleas.
  • The product relatively recently appeared on the insecticide market.
  • One gram of powder can effectively up to 60 sq.m. “Tarax” is notable for the fact that it does not cause the notorious habituation of insects to the components contained in its composition, which increases its degree of active influence on pests and efficiency.
  • Package 1 gr. powder is dissolved in water (200 ml - a glass) and the insect-affected area is treated with a spray bottle or sponge. Price – 80 rub.

Review: Natalya Ivanovna, Moscow

We removed woodlice under our bathtub using Tarax. We were very pleased with this drug. No poisoning was observed. The drug does not seem to be very toxic. The woodlice died immediately within a few hours. I recommend to all.


  • This is a bait gel, which comes in a very convenient package - a syringe with the drug , ready for use.
  • A thin stream in the form of a strip of gel is able to penetrate into the most inaccessible places , which creates maximum comfort in using such a drug.
  • The consumption of one 30 g package can cover the treatment of 3 medium-sized rooms. Price – 40-45 rubles.

Review: Svetlana, Moscow

We recently bought an apartment in an old Khrushchev building, where we had to completely replace the plumbing with plastic pipes. It is clear that the old plumbing used to leak, the pipes were old, cast iron, there were a lot of small bugs under them, then I recognized them as woodlice. Since there were too many of them, I had to look for a German-made product - “Schabengel”, I heard that it is very effective. We did everything right, according to the instructions, and the woodlice died within a few hours. Everything worked out very conveniently and quickly.


  • This is a new generation of dichlorvos, which has a universal effect on parasites and other crawling and even flying insects , as well as on bugs such as woodlice.
  • It is noteworthy that “Varan” is completely odorless and is not toxic to people and animals.
  • Price – from 48 to 100 rubles. and higher depending on the percentage of concentration of the active substance and the volume of the bottle.

Review: Sergey, Leningrad region

I used “Varan” against woodlice in my dacha. The drug worked perfectly, there have been no bugs for six months now. I think they won't appear for a long time. I really liked that this remedy against all kinds of parasites has no odor at all. I already thought that I would have to endure some kind of stench, like Dichlorvos, but it turned out that Varan has no smell at all and is not toxic.


  • The drug Gett has its own analogue - “Master”. Both the analogue and its substitute are a liquid concentrate of high toxicity for fish , so in no case should you work with it near an open aquarium or pond
  • the aquarium with something
  • for humans and animals.
  • The effect of its influence occurs only when the insect comes into contact with Gett microcapsules. Price – 700 rub. (100 ml).

Review: Vitaly, Ekaterinburg

We destroyed all the woodlice, which with their presence often caused us trouble in the kitchen near the trash can. Of course, we had to replace the trap under the sink so it wouldn't leak. And then we dealt with the woodlice using Gett. A friend recommended this product to us and it turned out to be very effective. There is still a little left in the bottle, which will be useful for other insects.


  • A very strong and active product against many different household insects.
  • The active component of Tetrix is ​​cypermethrin, which is why it kills bedbugs, ticks, fleas and woodlice so quickly and for a long time.
  • Complete death of insects is possible only after 2 days .
  • The effect of the drug can last up to 70 days .
  • The drug is produced in the form of an emulsion in bottles and canisters from 250 ml to 1-5 l.
  • Expensive, but very effective drug. The price for a 250 ml glass bottle is about 2,000 rubles, for a 1 liter canister – up to 5,300 rubles, and for a 5 liter canister – 21,000 rubles, 20 liters – 80,000 rubles.

Review: Nikolay Savelievich, Moscow

Since we work with a construction company for finishing work inside apartments, our company is often faced with an invasion of various insects such as wood lice, bedbugs, cockroaches and other harmful insects. In order not to lose our clients, and at the same time our time while waiting for disinfection specialists, we decided to use insect control preparations ourselves. We tried everything, nothing helped. But when we used Tetrix once, we realized that there were no other poisons better than it. We have even begun to include Tetricos treatment in the cost of finishing work in apartments. Clients are happy and we are calm.

How to get rid of woodlice in an apartment:


Powder product, bag weight - 1 g. This amount is quite enough to treat 60 square meters. m.

The insecticide was developed by Russian scientists specifically against woodlice. Its composition is harmless to humans and animals (safe even for children).

The operating principle is contact. One or more woodlice comes into contact with a surface treated with a powder diluted in water, carries poison on its legs and antennae to its relatives, after which they die en masse. Does not cause habituation among pests.

The product can also be purchased in liquid form (in ampoules), or diluted in a glass of water and sprayed with a syringe or spray bottle on areas where crustaceans accumulate. Despite the direction of Tarax against woodlice, the drug destroys cockroaches, fleas, bedbugs and ants with no less success. The effect is noticeable within the next 2 hours, after which it persists for several more years.

Tarax is rightfully considered one of the best drugs in the fight against woodlice, and there is more than one explanation for this:

  • it is not necessary to treat the entire living space, it is enough to spray only the accumulation areas;
  • no special knowledge or skills required (ease of use);
  • one package is enough for a large area (60 sq. m.);
  • has no smell;
  • safe for all household members;
  • there is no need to remove the corpses after processing (they disappear, as if there were no parasites in the house).

And, of course, the price of Tarax is only about 50-80 rubles, depending on the region, which cannot but rejoice, and this despite such a high effectiveness of the product!

But there is one drawback: the original drug is almost impossible to purchase either in regular or specialized stores. Perhaps the easiest way is to order the product on websites or online stores that work to destroy parasites.

Help from specialists

If you cannot cope with woodlice on your own, we advise you to contact a specialist. This is a sanitary and epidemiological station or organizations that specialize in disinfestation of premises.

The positive aspects of this solution:

Specialists will correctly and thoroughly treat all possible habitats and breeding areas of woodlice. The apartment will be disinfected against woodlice.

Effective and safe means will be used. They are odorless and do not leave marks on furniture. The effect is guaranteed for at least 3 months. If wood lice appear earlier, treatment will be free.

Gels, traps, woodlice baits

Gels can be compared in effectiveness to crayons. They can be used as an additional means of pest control.

Sticky traps are suitable for prevention purposes.

Baits are effective in fighting cockroaches, but they are also suitable as a preventative against woodlice. The most popular are the following:

Schabengel. Can be used against woodlice, ants and cockroaches. Available in the form of a gel bait. Easy to use in hard to reach places. Gel "Raptor". Convenient for application. Easily gets into cracks. Has no smell.

All drugs have a destructive effect on the central nervous system of insects.

How to get rid of woodlice in a greenhouse?

A greenhouse is a comfortable place for pests to live. When a greenhouse is affected by wood lice, it is better to remove them using traditional methods, since they do not leave harmful components in the air. The following remedies will help get rid of pests:

  • salt;
  • boric acid;
  • a mixture of soda and pepper;

If there are a lot of woodlice, a solution of dry bread kvass (40 g) in 400 ml of hot water is applied to the surface. It is left for 10-12 hours and washed off with water.

Cleaning the substrate of house plants

Infestation of a plant by woodlice can be detected by damage in the lower part of the stem or the base of the leaves. During watering, they crawl out, trying to climb onto the plant.

To remove woodlice from the substrate, place the pot with the plant in water for 5-7 minutes. This time is enough for the pests to get out. After this, they are destroyed mechanically. The procedure is repeated until the wood lice are completely eliminated. In case of massive damage, the substrate will need to be replaced and the roots of the plant should be washed.

If excessive water treatments are contraindicated for the plant, you can use raw potatoes, apples or beer as bait.

Prevention of wood lice

Competent prevention will help avoid the reappearance of woodlice in the house. To do this, just follow the basic rules:

  • maintain high efficiency of the ventilation system;
  • promptly eliminate damage and malfunctions of pipes that lead to moisture accumulation and condensation;
  • maintain a high level of cleanliness in the apartment.

Woodlice can enter a human home through any cracks. Treating vents, sewer and water pipes with insecticidal or homemade repellent preparations will help reduce the likelihood of their occurrence.

What to do if wood lice appear again

If after treatment a few weeks later you notice arthropods in your home again, then you should contact professional exterminators. Disinsection service specialists know how to get rid of woodlice forever. First, they determine their habitats in the house and the routes of entry into the home. And the use of special disinfection techniques allows insecticides to penetrate into the smallest crevices, which guarantees the complete destruction of insects.




Where do insects come from?

In multi-storey buildings, insects live in attics and basements, from where they move into apartments. They move from one room to another through cracks and ventilation hatches. But are most susceptible to woodlice attacks.
Insects crawl into homes from garden plots. They easily crawl through stairs and thresholds, settling in damp areas of the room. Their favorite place on the site is a pile of leaves, construction waste, and boards. If you see one woodlice in an apartment, you can easily find a cluster of them. They can live:

  • behind pipes and under sinks;
  • in or near a trash can;
  • in kitchen cabinets;
  • under rugs in the kitchen, toilet or bathroom;
  • in a cage with birds or rodents;
  • in pots of flowers.

How to get rid of black cockroaches in your home

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