Street bugs - forest, green, tree, berry: description of species with photos, why they are harmful and how to get rid of them

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Kikimora September 16, 2016Speciality: I love my home, I like to equip it, periodically change something, do it with my own hands. There are no special hobbies. I am the administrator of a small women's forum.


For the second time this year, my mother-in-law called from Altai and complained about an invasion of forest bugs. Their first unexpected visit happened at the end of April, and now they came again, both times not one by one, but in a crowd. The first time she complained about the sanitary services, since people could not get rid of bedbugs on the balcony on their own, and they were not in a hurry to help.

Now the people have learned to deal with uninvited guests, and have realized that this phenomenon is temporary and does not pose a threat to health. And I began to wonder - why did they rush into the city? Here they live quietly in the raspberries, they don’t encroach on our territory. Here's what we found out.

How to get rid of bedbugs on the balcony

Hello! We have an unexpected problem. There were bugs on the balcony. What to do with them, where did they come from, how to protect yourself from these harmful and dangerous insects, what to do to prevent them from appearing again? I really hope to get answers to all these questions. Valentina L.

Valentina, oddly enough, today bedbugs on the balcony of a multi-story building are not uncommon. Although we are all sure that they were bred long ago, these insects are increasingly bothering residents of megacities. There are many reasons for their appearance:

  • failure to comply with sanitary standards and rules of residence;
  • high-occupancy apartments;

  • homeless people living in the basements of high-rise buildings.

These are the most common existing causes of house bugs. You can only get rid of them with the help of special services. Professionally carried out treatment will help eliminate this problem and protect your home. Attempts to remove bedbugs yourself using herbs or other folk remedies will not be successful.

Balcony treatment after midges

After all the midges are destroyed, you need to carefully examine the room so that there are no sources of their appearance on the balcony . Also pay attention to indoor plants, otherwise you risk encountering them again.

After examining the premises, you must perform the following steps:

  1. Be sure to thoroughly wash the places where vegetables and fruits are stored, as there are probably eggs and insect larvae left there. Clean using detergents;
  2. food for pets, if it has caused the appearance of fruit flies, must be removed during the day, and bowls and saucers must be washed periodically;
  3. the plants must be dried, the saucers must be washed, and the contaminated soil must be replaced to get rid of the larvae.

To prevent midges from flying in from the street or neighbors, use a mosquito net on the windows.

After completing all these steps, annoying midges are unlikely to appear on your balcony again. The only thing is to make sure that there is no breeding ground for them here.

Forest "guests"

However, most often bedbugs appear in those residential buildings that are located in close proximity to forests and park areas. These guests from the forest appear on the outside of the windows, despite the fact that the balconies are sometimes located on the third, fourth floor or even higher.

The only feeling that a person faced with such a problem can experience is disgust. There is no need to be afraid of forest bugs. They do not harm humans, do not cause allergies, and quite quickly leave places inhabited by humans.

To get rid of random “guests”, you can treat the place where they accumulate with vinegar essence. To clean an insulated balcony, you need to dismantle the casing and get rid of the insulation. Then treat the surfaces and perform insulation using newly purchased materials.

Indoor plants located on the balcony will suffer from the invasion of forest bugs. After all, this type of insect feeds exclusively on plant leaves. Some flowers will have to be gotten rid of, while the leaves of others should be treated with special compounds.

Regularly spraying the leaves of indoor plants with an infusion made from onion peels can serve as effective protection, and you can stick a small clove of garlic into the soil in a flower pot without peeling it.

A few words about midges

Brown small midges, which often appear on the balcony and in the kitchen, are called fruit flies or fruit flies. They have long settled next to humans, since we are an inexhaustible source of food for them.

The fact is that they feed on what is always available in abundance near people, namely:

  • sweet rotten fruits;
  • sour juices;
  • nectar of flowers, etc.

The most unpleasant thing for us is that they begin to breed as soon as their larvae enter the nutrient medium. Those. If you leave vegetables or fruits indoors, they begin to rot, and soon midges will definitely appear.

Therefore , if you do not start fighting them in time, they may soon fill the entire apartment. Of course, the question arises, where do the larvae come from? The fact is that flies lay them on food and plants, after which the larvae penetrate deeper and then pupate.

After hatching, the fly can lay eggs on the second day. Therefore, they reproduce very quickly and grow to adulthood in just 10 days.

It should also be noted that not only food causes the appearance of midges. These insects also love to parasitize the roots of indoor plants. Therefore, people who grow indoor flowers and other plants on the balcony often face a similar problem.

Fruits are a favorite food for midges

For people who live on the lower floors, the source of midges is often the grass on the lawn near the house. In addition, fruit flies can fly in from neighbors. Accordingly, no one is safe from their occurrence.

Fortunately, midges do not bite and do not transmit disease. The only thing is that, theoretically, they can cause intestinal upset . However, it is unlikely that anyone will eat rotten fruits after fruit flies have feasted on them.

House bugs

The ways bedbugs enter a person’s home are through ventilation systems and garbage disposals. It also happens that insects enter a clean apartment from a building located next door. They hide in the most secluded corners, gradually spreading throughout the living space.

Noticing something is wrong, you can suddenly turn on the light at night to see clusters of insects in the folds of blankets, blankets or in the seams of mattresses. For more information on how to get rid of bedbugs, watch this video:

The treatment is carried out using insecticides, but first it is necessary to remove children and animals from the apartment. The poisoned insects must be collected with a vacuum cleaner with a disposable garbage bag and the bag must be burned. A day later, re-treatment is carried out, after which you can begin general cleaning of the room and restoration of the dismantled insulation and cladding.

In any case, you need to contact professionals who will carry out high-quality processing. If this is not done in a timely manner, you will have to tear off the baseboards, vacate the room and treat all surfaces.

Types of bedbugs

There are two types of bedbugs that live both on balconies and inside the premises. These could be forest or bed bugs.

Forest bugs

There are several reasons for the appearance of forest bugs in cities and, in particular, on the balconies of houses. This could be heat or sudden cold snap, floods or fires in their natural habitats. Another scenario is also possible.

Good weather contributed to their excessive reproduction. The colony simply ran out of places to live. In order to survive, they begin to look for a new habitat. But the main reason for their appearance in a person’s home itself is the possibility of their penetration into the premises.

Since the food for bedbugs is plant sap, they, as a rule, do not stay in the apartment for long. But if there are a lot of trees or shrubs growing near the house, and there are a lot of flowers in the apartment itself, then in this case they can settle in a new place for a long time.

They are not dangerous for humans. Only indoor plants suffer from their presence, and even then only if the female bug has managed to lay eggs. Their number can be within several dozen.

Bed bugs

Another thing is bed bugs. They can cause a lot of trouble for their owners. They can also bother pets, especially dogs and cats. But the main thing that this species requires for a comfortable life is the people themselves and the ability to hide from daylight.

Finding them in an apartment is quite easy. There are many signs of their presence in the house. These include: the presence of characteristic bites on the body, traces of crushed insects on bedding or upholstered furniture, insect excrement, laid eggs.

You can also recognize the presence of these pests in your home by their smell. It is somewhat reminiscent of the smell of cognac, just as sweet. Bedbugs secrete it to scare away their enemies, and for humans it serves as a signal for uninvited guests to enter the apartment.

READ MORE: Storing watermelon on the balcony

Forest bug: appearance, why it is dangerous in an apartment and how to deal with it

Seeing a dark green or brown bug in an apartment, home owners often begin to worry about the safety of their health. It should be noted that cases of this insect entering buildings are very rare; usually forest inhabitants do not leave their main habitat. The reason for the migration of bedbugs may be an increase in humidity in a particular area or fires.

Forest bugs, like their other relatives of the order Hemiptera, are distinguished by an unpleasant odor, as well as a repulsive appearance. For these reasons, they are often disgusting to a person and cause him to dislike them.

How to recognize a forest bug?

The following characteristic signs will help you find out whether it is a forest bug or some other insect:

  • flattened but wide body;
  • the back and wings are shaped like an irregular pentagon;
  • the chitinous shell is colored dirty green, brown, brown or similar colors;
  • the presence of a piercing-sucking proboscis, thanks to which it is possible to feed on the juices of herbaceous plants, shrubs and trees.

In the cold months, the forest bug hides from bad weather under fallen leaves and tree bark that has moved away from the trunks.

The insect usually breeds in places where there is constant access to food for a long time. The female is capable of laying no more than 100 eggs. She attaches them to the outside and inside of plant leaves and stems. The eggs are fixed to the surface so thoroughly that it is difficult to remove them even with a fingernail.

The development of the larvae lasts approximately 10 days, after which they destroy the shell of the eggs and emerge. Small individuals are very similar to their “parents”, differing from them only in a more faded color and smaller size.

The offspring become sexually mature after 30 days. During this period, the larvae, growing, go through several stages of molting. Different types of forest bugs have a characteristic unique coloration, however, they all belong to the same family.

Methods of penetration of bedbugs

Insects can appear at home in various ways - external and internal. The first are characterized by the following:

  • Purchasing pieces of furniture infested with bedbugs. The situation can arise with old and new furniture when storage conditions are violated.
  • Bringing bedbugs from vacation is possible due to a person’s stay in a hotel infested with such insects.
  • Transmission of insects by people. Typically, such situations occur after forest walks, riding on public transport, or visiting friends.

Public transport is one of the sources of bedbugs in your home

  • Change of housing - there is a significant chance of developing bedbugs if you buy or rent an apartment infested with them.
  • Insects have been living at home for a long time, but until a certain point they did not appear. Reproduction and distribution occurs more often in summer.

The internal routes of penetration of bedbugs are:

  • ventilation holes;
  • entrance doors;
  • window;
  • drainpipes.

The accumulation of insects can be large; they infect the corners of rooms, cracks between baseboards, walls, and on the ceiling.

What kind of forest bugs are often found in the house?

The forest bug can be seen not only in the forest, grove or park area, but even at home. However, as a rule, apartments are not attractive to these insects; they fly there and into residential buildings by accident. In the private sector or cottages, these hemiptera are found more often, since there is an abundance of vegetation nearby. By mistake, the forest bug is mistaken for a tree stink bug, which is capable of causing damage to agricultural plantings when the population increases in one area.

The shield bug has a brighter color than its forest “brother”. In addition, when touched, it emits a sharp and unpleasant odor, for which it received the name “stink bug.”

It happens that other types of bugs are mistaken for forest bugs. These include the following:

  • red-legged stink bug - it is characterized by a color that resembles old bronze in appearance, the size of the body reaches 16 mm;
  • The two-toothed stink bug is a brown or brown-colored insect, its distinctive feature is pointed protrusions near the head, more like the forearms of armor; The individual feeds mainly on caterpillars;
  • The American bug is an inhabitant of the forest; its favorite delicacy is young cones (often they begin to rot and dry out after attacks by the insect).

Why do forest bugs fly into human homes?

Forest bugs are demanding of environmental conditions: they need a certain temperature and humidity for successful life and reproduction. If insects no longer feel comfortable in their chosen territory, they begin to move around in space. This can happen during a sudden thaw, cold snap, or fires. It is at these moments that bedbugs are found in a person’s apartments or houses.

“I constantly find some bugs in my room, the description is similar to forest bugs. I read that they are harmless to humans and do not bite. Neighbors also said that they saw the same insects in the apartment. Every day I collect 5-6 pieces and throw them out into the street, but they appear again.”

“There are a lot of trees around my house, and one of them - large and spreading - is located right under my window. In the apartment I often see small and large forest bugs. In our region, their numbers have increased greatly, which is noted by other residents, my neighbors and acquaintances. And with this tree I have only one torment, because it is an open path for insects to my home. Insecticidal aerosols do not help cope with the problem.”

Forest bugs do not bite people, and if this happens as an exception, then the bite is harmless. These insects should not be confused with ticks that hunt warm-blooded victims.

Too large a family of forest bugs can negatively affect the condition of ornamental, garden and berry crops. Parasites, like tree insects, live on the leaves and stems of plants, feeding on their juices.

How to prevent forest bugs from appearing in the house?

Since forest bugs are harmless to humans, unlike bedbugs, experts advise getting rid of them in simple ways, avoiding the use of potent insecticides. If mechanically collecting individuals every day seems too labor-intensive to you, then the easiest way is to prevent insects from entering living spaces.

The best option in this case is to install an anti-mosquito net. If bedbugs get into an apartment or house, you can throw them back out the window, closing it tightly afterwards. Of course, the smell may remain on your hands, but not as strong as after contact with the woody scale insect.

“I was shocked by what I saw when forest bugs began to appear in our apartment. What scared me most was that they were crawling along the sides of the crib! But I read in the city newspaper that lately we have literally had an invasion; many are complaining about the presence of individuals in their homes. But, as it turned out, forest bugs are harmless. Now I collect them with my hands and throw them out the window when I see them in the room.”

Thus, it is mainly owners of agricultural land who need to be wary of forest bugs, since the insects feed on plant juices and can harm the plantings. A person should not be afraid of the bites of these hemipterans.


Reasons for the appearance of insects on the balcony

If you do not establish the cause of fleas in a given place, then any fight against them will be in vain. Fleas multiply quickly, mainly nesting in places that are not outwardly visible to humans. There are several options for the appearance of insects on the balcony:

  • because of pigeons and other birds;
  • relocation of fleas from the body of humans and animals;
  • basement (for low floors);
  • neighbor's apartment and pets.

Fleas can quickly cling to a person’s clothing from the landing, from where they move into the apartment and the surrounding areas. Let's consider each case separately.

The appearance of insects due to pigeons

The main carriers of these small bugs are birds. Most often this happens due to pigeons nesting under the roof of the house. Residents of the upper floors suffer the most from this. Insects easily jump from the feathers of pigeons into this territory. There they can reproduce and live for a long time, and the person living in this apartment may not notice them for a long time. But open areas suffer the most. Pigeons can often be seen on the balcony itself. They often sit on railings, which can spread these carriers of contagious diseases. Because of pigeons, fleas can infest your balcony endlessly.

Fleas can get there most often during the warm period of the year, while there are pigeons present. You can remove them using specialized products (cefox, medilis, etc.), as well as: bleach, orange, wormwood, kerosene.

Wormwood stems can be placed in several places. The smell of this plant scares insects. Fleas are also afraid of citrus fruits; where you put the orange peel, there will be no pests. But all these remedies do not completely solve the problem. They will continue to use pigeons for their own purposes. There is another method, but not everyone likes it. In order to remove insects, it is necessary to poison the pigeons. This method is too cruel and almost no one cares about the lives of birds and insects.

In summer, pigeons actively spread fleas

The appearance of fleas from behind the basement

The ways fleas get onto the balcony are typical and monotonous. There are cases when fleas appear in an apartment even without the help of pigeons. If the living room window is located next to the entrance window, then insects can easily jump over. The presence of pigeons for transfer is not mandatory. When using remedies against these pests, you need to take into account that the reason for their appearance is not in a residential area, but in the staircase, where they came from either from the street or from the basement. Insects should be removed from places where they accumulate. Until this problem is solved outside the living space, the struggle will continue forever. Poisoning fleas in the basement and on staircases is not just a concern for one apartment. This is a public matter in which residents of the house who care about their health should take part. Moreover, fleas should not get there soon; the number of activities is increasing, since it is necessary to catch stray animals and rodents and carry out complete disinfection of a particular room. In this case, housing and communal services and sanitary workers should help residents. If the treatment has not been carried out thoroughly and measures to destroy insects have not been carried out, then less than a month will pass before you or your neighbors notice insects again.

Fleas on the body of humans and animals

A person may not even notice how he brings this insect from the street. Fleas jump from place to place and adapt to a new place of residence, multiplying at high speed. They easily settle on pets. Most often these are dogs that are walked daily. To remove insects from pets, you can use specialized products in the form of special collars, drops and shampoos. It is more difficult to remove them from the territory of the balcony and apartment. It is necessary to use a special poison, concentrated emulsions against fleas. If there are carpet products in the room, they are sprayed with sprays for several months.

The use of dichlorvos is not recommended. Treating surfaces with this drug can lead to poisoning of humans or animals.

Nowadays, you can buy safe products on the market.
The choice of drugs is large, but the price is not high. Raid and Raptor are popular. Those individuals that survive from aerosols will be helped to die by using a special powder. These methods of struggle will help you get rid of the problem yourself, without the help of specialists. The fleas will be removed, but fighting them will take a long time. Raid is a popular flea remedy

Getting fleas from neighbors and pets

If there is a problem with the appearance of insects on the balcony from neighboring pets or neighboring living space, then the methods of control are the same as in the cases that have already been described. Removing insects is difficult, but possible. They can live without food for a couple of months, but if a warm-blooded animal or bird lives nearby, they will not miss the opportunity to eat. Moreover, the time of one insect meal lasts from one minute to two to three hours. One individual lives up to one and a half years.

Apply means such as: aerosols, emulsions, powders, folk remedies. If necessary, call special services. Calling professionals will be expensive, but the effect will be immediate, and the protection will not be short-lived.

Moreover, the methods and drugs they use are safe for humans and pets. Protect animals with special collars and shampoos. And most importantly, ask, and maybe force, your neighbors to do all the same manipulations. Without this, all efforts are in vain. In case of refusal, you will have to report this problem to the sanitary services. With the help of these authorities, operations to destroy these insects will be carried out. As a result, the problem of these insects living on the balcony will be eliminated.

Flea disinfestation is the most effective method

Pharmaceutical methods of control

Special pharmaceutical preparations are also suitable for killing fleas. Aerosol. Designed to combat insects in residential areas. The drug is not harmful to people and animals. It must be applied by spraying on surfaces: upholstered furniture, pet's sleeping place, carpets and rugs, etc. The aerosol kills fleas instantly. You can also buy at the pharmacy:

  • "Fenistil";
  • "Psilo-balm";
  • "Hydrocortisone" etc.

These drugs will best help cope with an allergic reaction and itchy skin from an insect bite. In addition, there are special veterinary drugs. "Advocate", a buyer's pharmaceutical company, is designed to kill fleas and ticks on cats. The action of the drops is based on the paralysis of insects. There are many analogues of products from different companies. Some of them: “Bars” (Russian Federation), “Advantage” (Germany), “Practik” (Germany), “Frontline” (France) and others. These drugs are poisonous, but will not harm your pet. If you do not exceed the dosage. In this case, an urgent visit to the veterinarian is necessary, since the drug will not have the best effect on the animal. Cause suffocation, paralysis, death. Remember, when these insects first appear, you must immediately use radical methods. Otherwise, this may negatively affect the health of residents. Take this issue seriously.

When freezing books, experts advise placing several sheets of cut aluminum foil between the pages to increase heat transfer.

How to get rid of bedbugs forever

No one is safe from encountering parasites.

Bedbugs are reddish-brown insects that feed on the blood of sleeping people and animals. Small (like an apple seed, about 5 mm long) flat parasites can squeeze into cracks as thick as a plastic card.

It's easy for Bedbugs to bring them with you from places where there are a lot of people at night: for example, from a hotel, hospital, train or bus.

Bedbugs need blood and plenty of hiding places. So insects can be found in spotlessly clean houses and hotels.

Bedbugs can also get to you in used furniture (especially beds and sofas), clothes and other items, as well as from a neighboring apartment.

How to understand that there are bedbugs in your home

Bedbug bites can easily be confused with mosquito or flea bites or with a rash. So, to be sure, you will have to look for the insects themselves and traces of their habitat.

Study the bites

Bedbugs are nocturnal parasites of Bedbugs, so bites appear in the morning. Moreover, Bedbugs are more often found on the face, neck and arms - those places that are usually not covered with a blanket or pajamas. Reddish itchy dots form irregular chains or clusters.

Bed bugs do not carry disease. And Bedbugs bites usually go away on their own within a week or two.

If the bites are very itchy or painful, consult a doctor. He will prescribe you an antihistamine or other medications.

Check your bed

If you have bedbugs, you will find rusty or reddish spots on your sheets and pillowcases.

Search the house

You will have to look not only for insects, but also for small pale yellow eggs (about 1 mm long), their shells, as well as yellowish skins that young individuals shed (they molt five times during their lives). Also pay attention to small dark spots - bedbug excrement.

You need to look for parasites there Bedbugs, where you sleep. Carefully inspect:

  • seams of a mattress, sofa, armchairs and other upholstered furniture, joints of sofa cushions;
  • spring block of a mattress or sofa;
  • any cracks in the furniture;
  • folds of bed linen;
  • curtain folds;
  • baseboards;
  • the space under the carpet, especially next to the baseboards;
  • places under paintings, mirrors and other hanging objects;
  • sockets and switches, especially the gaps around them;
  • rarely used bedding and clothing;
  • books;
  • peeling paint, peeling wallpaper, cracks in plaster;
  • joints of wallpaper and ceiling.

Explore these and other secluded areas with a flashlight and magnifying glass. You may have to look for parasites at night, when they are active.

How to get rid of bedbugs

You need to deal with parasites as soon as you notice them. Otherwise, bedbugs will multiply and spread throughout the house.


Use a vacuum cleaner to go through all the places where parasites may live. Scrub the seams of upholstered furniture with a stiff brush on Bedbugs - this will make it easier to collect insects and their eggs.

Then clean the vacuum cleaner thoroughly. Seal the trash in a plastic bag and throw it away.

Pack everything you can

Place all contaminated items in plastic bags. Try using a zippered cover on your mattress to prevent bedbugs from getting through.

It is important that the packaging is sealed. This will prevent the insects from spreading and leaving them without food. They can Bedbugs live without it for up to a year. Then the insects will die. You can wait or speed up the process.

Change the temperature

At 50 °C, bedbugs, their eggs and larvae die instantly KEY FINDINGS ON BED BUG BEHAVIOR AT LETHAL & SUB‑LETHAL TEMPERATURES DEPARTMENT OF ENTOMOLOGY, UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA. In addition, insects cannot tolerate Bedbugs temperatures below 0 °C. Use this:

  • Wash curtains, bed linen and clothes in hot water (from 50 °C). Ideally, dry the items in the dryer at maximum temperature afterwards.
  • If items cannot be washed, place them in the dryer for at least 30 minutes Bedbugs.
  • Use a steamer on mattresses, sofas and other places where bedbugs hide.
  • For a few days, put the bags with things in the freezer or on a cold balcony.

It is better to throw away furniture, clothes and other items that cannot be cleaned.

Get rid of shelters

Seal cracks in furniture, around sockets and baseboards, and glue any loose wallpaper. Try to ensure that there are no secluded places in the room and no unnecessary objects on the floor next to the bed.

Also move your bed or sofa at least 15cm away from the wall to prevent bedbugs from jumping onto you.

Use chemicals

Even if you seem to have gotten rid of bedbugs during cleaning, it is still worth treating your home with insecticides.

To do this, How to Get Rid of Bedbugs usually use products based on pyrethrin, cypermethrin, chlorfenapyr, chlorpyrifos, neonicotinoids, imiprothrin or fenthion.

Bedbug repellents are sold in the form of sprays, powders and liquids. Read the instructions for use carefully and follow them. When processing, use a respirator, goggles and gloves.

Bedbugs may not go away the first time. To be on the safe side, inspect your home every seven days.

If you can’t get rid of bedbugs on your own, call a specialist.

Ways to combat midges

So, what are fruit flies and where do they come from - we figured it out. Now I will tell you how to get rid of midges on the balcony. Of course, first of all you need to find the reason for their appearance.

Perhaps somewhere on the balcony you left an apple, a slice of watermelon or other fruit. Spoiled products must be thrown away, and only after that can you begin to fight midges .

As for the fruit flies themselves, there are several ways to get rid of them:

Ways to combat midges

Below we will consider in more detail all options for combating these insects.

Method 1: vacuum cleaner

If you find a large accumulation of midges, then the easiest and most effective way to quickly get rid of them is with a regular vacuum cleaner. Turn it on and bring it to the place where midges accumulate, after which most individuals will simply be sucked into the garbage receptacle.

Keep in mind that you should disassemble the vacuum cleaner and take out the bag of garbage outside the apartment, as midges can fly outside .

Midge trap made from a plastic cup

Method 2: make closed traps

The instructions for making closed traps are extremely simple:

  1. take a piece of rotten fruit and put it in a plastic glass or plastic bottle;
  2. then make small holes in the container through which midges can crawl;
  3. After this, seal the glass tightly, for example, with a plastic bag. If the bait is made from a bottle, you just need to screw the cap on it.

You can use a yogurt cup as bait. At the same time, leave a small amount of yogurt on the bottom of the glass, which is an excellent bait for fruit flies.

Make several of these traps and place them on the balcony. As a result, midges will be able to penetrate the container, but they will no longer be able to fly out of it. When all the individuals are inside, you only need to get rid of the traps or rinse them with water and set them again .

An open container with sticky liquid can also serve as bait for midges.

Method 3: Open Traps

Making open traps with your own hands is even easier than making closed ones. For this you will need saucers or even plastic jar lids.

Pour any sticky liquid into the container that can be used as bait. In particular, for these purposes you can use:

  • beer;
  • syrup;
  • juice;
  • a solution of sugar and yeast in water.

Such traps should be placed on the windowsill. As a result, the midges will land on the bait and drown in it, after which all you have to do is rinse the containers.

For greater effect, traps can be combined, i.e. Use both closed containers and saucers with liquid.

Sticky tape will help you in the fight against fruit flies

Method 4: Adhesive tape

Adhesive tape is quite effective. Moreover, it is very simple to use - you just need to stretch the ribbon by pulling it by the ring, and then hang it on any nail or hook.

I must say that such a tape will allow you to get rid of not only midges, but also large flies, as well as other flying insects.

Method 5: Aerosol insecticides

You can also get rid of fruit flies and other flying insects using special aerosols , such as:

  • "Combat";
  • The well-known “Dichlorvos”;
  • "Raptor", etc.

In the photo - insect repellent aerosols

The only thing, keep in mind that aerosols must be used correctly . This is done as follows:

  1. remove all products, if any, from the balcony;
  2. if there are pets on the balcony, they should also be moved into the apartment;
  3. then stand in the center of the balcony, point the can straight away from you at arm's length and spray it into the air, moving towards the exit;
  4. after that, leave the balcony and close the door behind you;
  5. After some time, you need to ventilate the balcony and sweep away the midges.

The advantage of this method is that you can get rid of annoying insects very quickly. Aerosols are relatively inexpensive - the average price ranges from 200 to 400 rubles. Moreover, the can will be enough for you several times.

These are, perhaps, all the simplest and most effective ways to combat fruit flies that I wanted to share with you.

After fruit flies, you need to thoroughly wash the surfaces

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