Brief description of the fly These insects are small in size - 1-2 cm. Moreover, their body
Flies The reproduction cycle of a fly The reproduction rate of dipteran insects is amazing. Released in April
The life cycle of a fly and the danger it poses Flies are quite annoying insects, from
The well-known parasite is the bread borer. Many housewives have often encountered the famous insect - the bread borer.
Description The drug has gained great popularity among flower growers and gardeners due to the mass of advantages that it
How wasps behave The wasp and its prey. At the beginning of the season, the fertilized ones wake up
What kind of insect is a gadfly and what does it look like? Another name for a gadfly is paut,
Description of appearance The body structure of a green carrion fly is similar to an ordinary fly, only the first one is slightly
How to attract a hover fly to your yard Because adult hover flies feed on pollen and
Southern Polybia The wasp family includes many species. These insects have a very wide