About the bee sting: what it looks like after a sting, where it is located, how to remove a bee sting
Why do you need a sting? The sting of a bee and a wasp is part of the structure of their body. wasp sting
can flies see in the dark
How many frames per second does a fly see, how many eyes does it have?
Appearance and internal structure At first glance, the structure of the fly’s body seems simple, but
Blowfly - photo and description, reproduction and how to fight
Appearance of blow flies The large family includes 106 genera, 3 subfamilies. Externally they differ between
dung fly
TOP 10 largest species of flies known on the planet
Who is she? When you hear the phrase “dung fly,” your imagination immediately pictures a swarm of shiny green insects,
How many legs does a fly have? Structure and features of the insect
Interesting facts about flies 1. There are about 30,000 species of flies, inhabiting all continents,
Photo: Gadfly
Horseflies and gadflies. How are they dangerous, and what is the difference between insects?
Wild animals >> Insects The gadfly is a large parasitic fly about which you can hear a lot
Agita fly repellent
Fly repellent "Agita": properties, instructions, reviews
Today, stores offer a huge selection of a wide variety of means for exterminating most types of insects.
Name, description and photo of a plant that eats flies
Nepenthes This is a trap flower with water lily shaped leaves. There are more than 130 varieties, which
Types of insect mouthparts - Sucking mouthparts
What do locusts eat: mouthparts, do they have teeth, can they bite or sting a person?
Modifications of the oral apparatus In various groups of insects, the oral apparatus has been modified in order to best and
What does a gadfly and larva look like?
Bodfly larvae in the human body: where do they come from under the skin and why are they dangerous?
What do a gadfly and its larvae look like? Gadflies live in almost every corner of the planet, in total
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