Why do you need a sting? The sting of a bee and a wasp is part of the structure of their body. wasp sting
Appearance and internal structure At first glance, the structure of the fly’s body seems simple, but
Appearance of blow flies The large family includes 106 genera, 3 subfamilies. Externally they differ between
Who is she? When you hear the phrase “dung fly,” your imagination immediately pictures a swarm of shiny green insects,
Interesting facts about flies 1. There are about 30,000 species of flies, inhabiting all continents,
Wild animals >> Insects The gadfly is a large parasitic fly about which you can hear a lot
Today, stores offer a huge selection of a wide variety of means for exterminating most types of insects.
Nepenthes This is a trap flower with water lily shaped leaves. There are more than 130 varieties, which
Modifications of the oral apparatus In various groups of insects, the oral apparatus has been modified in order to best and
What do a gadfly and its larvae look like? Gadflies live in almost every corner of the planet, in total