What is the secret of the healing effect of bee venom
Even in ancient times, people realized how valuable bee venom is. It contains many trace elements, active components, protein compounds, peptides, enzymes, enzymes and even pheromones. The substance has unique biological properties, one of which is pain reduction. In addition, bee venom has a regenerating effect and an anti-inflammatory effect, sometimes no worse than non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs or standard painkillers.
When bee venom enters the body, cortisol is produced. The substance, in combination with a high concentration of peptides from the venom, increases the body’s protective functions, reduces inflammation and prevents relapses. Almost immediately after administration, the swelling of the joint subsides, the severity of pain decreases, and blood flow normalizes. If bee venom acts for a long enough time, the effect of regeneration of cartilage tissue is also observed.
Bee venom increases general and local immunity
Using bees for medicinal purposes
Bee venom is useful. Its positive effect on the body has long been recognized by official medicine, so it is incorrect to call bee stings a folk method of therapy. Below are the areas of application of the natural product and the expected benefits.
Cardiology and phlebology
Apitherapy helps to successfully fight cardiovascular diseases.
Doctors note a positive effect:
- with high blood pressure;
- atherosclerosis;
- thrombosis;
- the formation of red blood cells increases;
- leukocyte activity increases;
- blood thins.
Apitoxin has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart muscles and dilates blood vessels at the site of the bite. This improves blood circulation in case of varicose veins and enhances tissue nutrition. Hirudin is a substance that dissolves blood clots and reduces the viscosity of lymph.
The note. Beekeepers rarely suffer from cardiovascular disease because they are often stung by bees. When using apitherapy in one course, the patient receives more than 200 bites over 15-20 days.
Frame for obtaining bee venom
If a person has problems with neuralgia, he needs to try bee treatment. This will be a good alternative to medications and physiotherapeutic procedures. Apitoxin has an antispasmodic and local warming effect. If you often place a sting on the sore spot, the disease will soon recede.
Asian doctors use bees instead of needles for acupuncture. This combination can cure many diseases of the nervous system. A prerequisite is that such treatment must be carried out by a qualified specialist, otherwise you can seriously harm yourself.
Rheumatism was treated in ancient times with the help of bees. It has been proven that in addition to tissue hyperthermia after sting penetration, other processes occur in the body that help fight the manifestations of rheumatism, but they are not yet fully understood.
It is believed that the healing effect lies in the effect on the parasympathetic parts of the central nervous system. In 19 out of 20 people suffering from rheumatism, bee venom causes significant relief.
There is evidence and even medical evidence that apitoxin can have a positive effect on some eye diseases:
- iritis;
- keratitis;
- conjunctivitis.
Naturally, a direct bite to the eye will bring quite a lot of trouble, especially problems arise when removing the sting. For treatment, pharmacists prepare special drops, where one of the ingredients is bee venom, diluted tens of times.
The more often bees sting, the less inflammatory processes there will be on the skin. Substances produced by the bee body help increase local immunity. Bites are effectively used in the treatment of psoriasis. Persons suffering from furunculosis, after using apitherapy, are much less likely to encounter this problem.
Note. The more often honey bees sting, the faster wound healing occurs due to increased regeneration processes.
Principles of treatment for bee stings
In apitherapy, it is very important to follow the principle of gradualness: the number of bee stings is increased very carefully so as not to cause harm. During the first session, one insect is used. The next day they take a break, on the third day they use the poison of two bees. Gradually the number of insects per session is increased to ten. The sting is removed a minute after the bite.
The first course includes 55 bites, after which they take a week's break. The second is more intense (about 150 bees). For 45 days, the patient receives three bites every day, seven days a week, with the locations constantly alternating. There are other schemes that are compiled individually depending on the location of the affected joint and the degree of coxarthrosis, gonarthrosis, or other disease.
The first course of treatment for arthrosis includes 55 bee stings
How to properly prepare an ointment based on bee venom
Treatment of osteoarthritis with ointments based on bee venom is less effective than with stings. However, this method is also practiced to reduce pain.
To prepare the ointment you will need:
- vegetable oil (100 g);
- wax (40 g);
- propolis (25 g);
- dead bee powder, preferably autumn (2 tablespoons).
The wax is grated on a fine grater and added together with propolis and deadwood powder to the heated oil. The composition is mixed, transferred to a sterile container and tightly closed. Store in the refrigerator. Before applying the ointment, it is advisable to steam the problem area using a hot compress. The procedures are carried out within a month.
How does bee venom cure? Comment from an apitherapist:
Ointment based on bee venom is stored in the refrigerator
What is bee venom
The substance is synthesized by the thread-like organ of insects, its natural function is protection from enemies. Working individuals of honey bees, starting from two weeks of age, have a full supply of apitoxin. It is a yellowish liquid, bitter in taste, with a characteristic odor. In the case of a bee sting, the substance enters the skin through the sting.
Apitoxin, even diluted, is always sterile. It is heat stable, but is destroyed in an acidic environment. The beneficial effect of bee venom on the human body is to strengthen the immune system, relieve vascular diseases, treat diseases of the pelvic organs, and skin inflammation . The product is widely used in cosmetology and is part of anti-aging preparations.
When exposed to air, apitoxin becomes solid without losing its healing properties.
How to prepare a tincture for oral administration
It is recommended to carry out such general strengthening therapy twice a year - in spring and autumn, since it is at these times of the year that exacerbations of arthrosis are observed. For treatment you will need 200 ml of alcohol or vodka, a tablespoon of dry crushed bees. Podmore is infused for 3 weeks in a dark, cool place, filtered through a strainer or gauze, and then stored in the refrigerator.
The oral dose is calculated based on the patient's age. It is necessary to divide the number of full years in half. For example, a patient aged 50 years will need 25 drops of tincture per dose. They are diluted in 50-70 ml of cold water and taken before meals 2 times a day.
Treatment with bee death can only be done under the supervision of a doctor.
How else can you use bee products for arthrosis?
The main goal of apitherapy, like physical therapy for arthrosis, is to reduce pain and restore mobility of the damaged joint. Not only bee venom helps to achieve this result, but also dead insects, as well as dead insects, which are used to prepare rubs, lotions, decoctions and tinctures.
- Podmore.
Dead bees are bees that have died naturally. They are cleaned of foreign impurities and dried away from direct sunlight. It is important to obtain such a bee product from a clean and healthy hive.
For oral administration, insects that died in the summer are used (they do not contain any remnants of anti-tick medications). Winter - suitable only for external use, rubbing and lotions that improve blood supply to the joint area and stop degenerative processes.
- Lotions.
The material for the lotions is a decoction of dead bees. Pour 2 tablespoons of crushed dry insects into a glass of boiling water and leave for half an hour. The bees are filtered through a cotton cloth and applied to the affected area for 5-15 minutes. The first session should last no longer than five minutes, gradually increasing the duration to 15. The course of such treatment for osteoarthritis is 30 days.
- Alcohol tincture.
A glass of uncrushed dry insects is filled with 0.5 liters of alcohol or vodka. The container is placed in a cool place, away from sunlight, for 3-4 weeks and shaken regularly. After a month, the alcohol or vodka is filtered through cheesecloth and used for its intended purpose. The first course lasts one month, then take the same break. Sore joints are rubbed twice a day - morning and evening. The tincture effectively copes with morning stiffness of joints due to arthrosis of the 2nd degree.
- Baths based on dead water.
This decoction can be stored for no longer than three days. It is prepared from 0.5 liters of water and 2 tablespoons of bees. The product is simmered over low heat for two hours, cooled to a comfortable temperature and used for baths in the affected joint.
Crushed bees can be added to Vaseline or other medicinal ointment.
Contraindications to treatment with bees
An overdose of bee venom is very dangerous. There are known cases of severe itching and swelling, breathing problems, angioedema and even anaphylactic shock. Therefore, apitherapy is not performed for the following diseases:
- oncology;
- diseases of the cardiovascular system;
- chronic infections, including tuberculosis;
- diabetes;
- renal and liver failure.
Before starting treatment for arthrosis of the ankle, knee or hip joint using this method, it is necessary to take a test bite and then check the condition of the blood and urine using laboratory tests. When using the ointment, a skin test with half the dose is also performed.
Apitherapy itself cannot cure arthrosis of the knee, elbow, shoulder, ankle, like other methods. The disease, unfortunately, still remains incurable. However, bee stings enhance the effects of other medications and, in combination with other techniques, help reduce joint pain. You should not refuse injections of the Noltrex synovial fluid prosthesis in favor of alternative treatment with bee venom. But you can supplement the complex course with the introduction of this useful substance - it won’t get any worse!
Chemical composition of bee venom
Collected bee venom
Apitoxin is the name often given to a protein compound used by bees for protection. It has easily evaporated components that quickly spread through the air. After a bite, a sour smell is felt, slightly reminiscent of the essence of Duchess, which causes anxiety in the insects and makes them angrier.
Other protein substances are designed to induce an allergic reaction and pain in mammals, but they are the ones that have a positive effect on the human body.
Composition of bee venom:
- peptides, enzymes and enzymes;
- 18 amino acids, including essential ones, which are necessary for the human body;
- other organic and inorganic acids;
- microelements important for the functioning of the cardiovascular system;
- active ingredients: hirudin, histamine, melittin, acetylcholine and others.
Treatment with bee stings is called apitherapy in medicine, but this term often means any use of bee products for therapeutic purposes. Only with frequent and repeated use of poison can the desired effect be obtained.
A few bites cannot improve your health. Therefore, if a person is accidentally bitten by a bee, the sting should be removed and the skin should be treated with lemon or onion juice - this will reduce pain and swelling.
Important. Alcohol neutralizes the healing effect of bee venom; therefore, during treatment, it is prohibited to consume drinks or medications containing ethanol.