Using the drug Delcid for treating an apartment

Deltsid, treating an apartment with it will help completely clean it of fleas, ticks, lice, bed bugs, flies, mosquitoes, feather eaters and a number of other insects.

The result of pest control is comparable to the work of a professional service. The principle of action and technology of using the drug will be discussed further.

  • 2 Preparing the apartment for disinfestation
  • 3 How to prepare the solution?
  • 4 Treatment of premises
  • 5 Security measures
  • 6 Cleaning the premises and utensils after disinfestation
  • 7 Efficacy of the drug
  • 8 Conclusion
  • Description of the drug Delcid

    Deltsid is a popular flea remedy, sold in ampoules of 1.25, 1.5 or 2 ml, bottles of 1-1.25 liters and canisters of 20 liters. The liquid has a yellowish-brown color and an oily consistency. This product does not have the pronounced odor inherent in almost all strong insecticides.

    To carry out disinfestation, Deltsid is mixed with water. As a result of the chemical reaction, the solution acquires a cloudy white color.

    Mix with water

    Attention! Delcid ampoules are not necessarily made of glass. You can often find batches in which the working fluid is sealed in polymer containers. This fact does not affect the effectiveness and shelf life of the insecticide.

    Composition and release form

    The main active component of flea ampoules, which makes it indispensable for treating premises, is the synthetic insecticide deltamethrin. In addition to it, the product contains auxiliary substances that enhance the effect of the main ingredient. The ampoule for treating apartments against fleas contains:

    • deltamethrin;
    • petroleum solvent (nephas);
    • neonol;
    • polysorbate.

    Thanks to polysorbate, deltamethrin can be dissolved in water, bringing it to a safe concentration. Nefas is necessary to get rid of the oily consistency. Neonol is an active substance that accelerates the action of the base component.

    The principle of action of the drug

    Deltamethrin is a synthetic analogue of the natural insecticide contained in Dalmatian chamomile flowers. It has an inhibitory effect on parasites through contact and food. The insect loses the ability to generate nerve impulses. The inability to move during intoxication leads to complete paralysis and death of the pest.

    Deltsid is used both for treating apartments against fleas and for treating infected animals. However, it must be used in strict accordance with the instructions, since the drug is classified as category 3 according to the degree of toxicity.

    How to store it correctly?

    The shelf life of the insecticide is 2 years from the date of manufacture, subject to proper storage. The manufacturer's recommendations in this regard are as follows:

    • temperature 0… + 300 C;
    • no exposure to direct sunlight;
    • normal level of humidity;
    • distance from heat sources.

    Deltsid should be placed in such a way as to prevent access to it by children or animals. It is advisable to place it in a sealed package and keep the packaging box throughout the entire period of use (to know the expiration date, since the numbers on the ampoules are quickly erased).

    Treating dogs against fleas using Deltsid

    The drug can be used for prophylactic purposes and in the treatment of dogs against fleas. The product is diluted with water the day before use to a concentration of 0.125%. After 2 weeks, another spraying is carried out to destroy fleas that emerged from the preserved eggs.

    When carrying out treatment, you need to take care of your safety and protect the animal from the toxic effects of the drug. To do this, you need to consider the following recommendations:

    • The fur should be sprayed against the growth over the entire surface, trying not to get into the nose, mouth, eyes;
    • after treatment, you should not pet your pet or allow children near it for 2 hours;
    • bathe the dog 2 days after treatment.

    After using Delcid, the dog may experience apathy, increased salivation, and trembling. If symptoms are severe or persist for a long time, you should contact your veterinarian. Drinking plenty of fluids will help reduce intoxication.

    Delcid for fleas, reviews of the use of which can be found on the Internet, are more often used for treating premises. To treat an animal, many people prefer drops on the withers, a collar or a spray.

    Preparing an apartment for disinfestation

    Deltsid will help to completely clear your living space of insects in one application. But to be successful, you will need to pre-clean the apartment. Preparing the room for treatment with Deltsid is as follows:

    • remove pests from pets living in the cleaned area (you can also use Deltsid, diluting it in the proportions specified by the manufacturer);
    • vacuum floors, carpets, upholstered furniture, and pet bedding (this measure will help significantly reduce the number of insect eggs);
    • move large furniture away from the walls;
    • carry out wet cleaning;
    • protect food and utensils from insecticide (treatment is also dangerous for aquarium fish);
    • wash or spray textiles and bedding with hot steam.

    Steam treatment

    When all preparatory activities are completed, you can begin preparing the solution. It is not recommended to prepare it in advance; over time it loses its activity.

    How to prepare the solution?

    The instructions for use of Delcid describe in detail the technology for its use in the apartment. The contents of the ampoule are diluted in warm water. The proportions depend on the type of insects and the smoothness of the surfaces:

    • smooth floor and walls - 2 ml Delcid diluted with 0.5 liters of water;
    • rough surfaces - up to 19 two-milliliter ampoules per 10 liters.

    Against flying pests, Deltsid for treating smooth apartment surfaces is usually diluted in a concentration of 10 ampoules per 1 liter of water.

    Consumption rate – 5 liters of solution per 100 sq. m of smooth walls and floors. Treating rough surfaces will require twice as much solution.

    Deltsid insectoacaricidal agent in the form of an emulsion for productive animals, 5 ampoules x 2 ml


    • It is used for insectoacaricidal treatment of both animals and their habitats.
    • Convenient and economical (available in the form of a concentrate).
    • High degree of efficiency when spraying premises.
    • Universal – acts on both insects and ticks.

    Composition and pharmacological properties.

    The drug for external use contains the synthetic pyrethroid deltamethrin as an active ingredient - 4.0%. Deltamethrin has a pronounced insectoacaricidal intestinal and contact effect. Active against sarcoptic, ixodid and chicken ticks, bed bugs, feather eaters, lice, fleas, flies, horse flies, mosquitoes and other ectoparasites of animals.

    The mechanism of action of deltamethrin is based on blocking the neuromuscular transmission of nerve impulses at the level of the ganglions of peripheral nerves, which leads to paralysis and death of parasites.

    "Deltsid" in recommended doses does not have a locally irritating, resorptive-toxic or sensitizing effect. Upon contact with mucous membranes, it causes mild irritation. Toxic to fish and bees.

    Indications for use.

    For the treatment of sheep, cattle, pigs, rabbits and dogs for arachno-entomosis, as well as for disinsection and decontamination of livestock buildings and other objects of veterinary supervision.


    The use of "Deltsid" is not allowed for treating weakened and emaciated animals, as well as females later than 2 weeks before giving birth.

    Application procedure.

    Animals are treated by spraying or bathing in floating baths.

    The working emulsion is prepared immediately before use under the guidance of a veterinarian or veterinary assistant. At the same time, the volume of emulsion required for processing and the amount of Delcid required for its preparation are determined.

    The required volume of “Delcid” is thoroughly mixed with 2–3 volumes of water, and then poured into a floating bath of water or the reservoir of a spraying device, adding water to the required volume while stirring.

    Before use, Deltsid is diluted to the required concentration with cool tap water.

    Spray treatment

    Preparation of the emulsion: dilute a measured amount of Delcid in several liters of water, pour the resulting solution into the tank of the spraying device, add the required amount of water, mix thoroughly. The sequence of spraying the animal is: ears, head, body, tail, area around the anus, limbs. Do not wash off the drug, do not allow Delcid to get into the eyes, mouth, or nose of the animal. Treat the affected areas of the animal's body especially carefully.

    Spraying is carried out using horizontal universal spray booms (SHGRU) installed at the gates of summer paddocks or other spraying devices that provide fine-droplet spraying.

    The time of treatment is determined depending on the dominant components of midges and meteorological conditions: with a high number of horse flies and midges, animals are treated after morning milking, and with a high number of mosquitoes and midges - after evening milking once a day. With moderate numbers of midges, treatments are carried out every 2–3 day, and when attacked only by pasture flies - every 7-10 days. Animals are not treated in rainy and cold weather.

    Dairy cows in the regimes recommended for protection from midges and pasture flies are allowed to be treated with Deltsid no later than 7 hours before the next milking.

    Required amount of "Deltsid" to prepare 100 liters of working emulsion

    EctoparasitesDeltamethrin concentration, %Mode of application
    Scabies mites0,005125 ml For prophylactic purposes - once. With treatment - twice with an interval of 10-14 days (in rabbits, the ears are treated with an interval of 7-10 days). Consumption of working emulsion: cattle – 1.5-3 l/animal, pigs – 0.5-1 l/animal.
    Ixodid ticks0,0037594 ml During periods of high tick activity, animals are treated before being put on pasture, the interval between treatments is 7-10 days. Consumption of working emulsion: cattle – 1.5-3 l/animal.
    Lice0,001230 ml For prophylactic purposes - once. With medicinal use - according to indications, with an interval of at least 10 days. Consumption of working emulsion: cattle - 0.5-3 l/animal, pigs - 0.5-1 l/animal.
    Flies, fleas, lice eaters, horseflies, midges0.001 for medium volume spraying; 0.005 for low-volume spraying

    Bathing animals

    Before treatment, animals must be given water 2 hours before treatment. After shearing, sheep are bathed no earlier than 3 days later.

    Lambs under 1 month of age are bathed separately from adult animals. It is not recommended to handle animals in hot weather. Before treating animals, the bath is cleaned. The required amount of “Deltsid” is mixed with 2 corresponding volumes of water and poured into the bath, bringing the volume of water in the bath to the calculated volume. 20 animals are passed through the bath, these animals are processed again. Then the entire livestock is processed. After the animals have removed 10% of the working emulsion from the bath, the bath is topped up at the rate of 1.2 liters of Deltsid for every ton of water added. After processing 2.5–3 thousand sheep, the liquid from the bath is drained into settling wells, the bath is cleaned and washed for the next treatment.

    Amount of “Deltsid” per 1000 liters of water for preparing a working emulsion:

    ParasitesBath filling
    Scabies mites For preventive purposes - once every 6 months, for therapeutic purposes - twice with an interval of 10-14 days1250 ml
    Ixodid ticks940 ml

    Treatment of Premises

    “Deltsid” is used for treating premises, sheds, and pens. Processing in the presence of animals and poultry is allowed. It is used to treat surfaces against all flying and crawling arthropods, including the red chicken mite, down-eaters, argas and cat mites, bedbugs, cockroaches, flies and other insects. Treatment is carried out by aerosol or fine-droplet spraying with 0.125% aqueous emulsion.

    Disinsection and decontamination of poultry premises against bedbugs, argas, chicken mites and cockroaches is carried out in the absence of poultry during a technological break, using 0.125% aqueous emulsion "Deltsida" by aerosol method. Spray walls, ceilings, support pillars, and manure trenches under cage batteries. Before processing, eggs are collected.

    1 hour after treatment, the room is ventilated for at least 1 hour, dead ectoparasites are swept away and disposed of, feeders and drinkers are thoroughly washed, and then the birds are placed in the room.

    It is allowed to treat premises in the presence of birds, without violating the technological regime. In this case, no more than 2/3 of the total area of ​​the premises is sprayed. The treatment is carried out with running ventilation or open doors; the birds and equipment are not processed. Supply ventilation is turned off for the treatment period (30–40 minutes). Service personnel are allowed into the premises no earlier than 30 minutes after treatment.

    Required amount of "Deltsid" to prepare 10 liters of working emulsion:

    ParasitesPorous surfaceSmooth surface
    Crawling insects Consumption of working emulsion per 100 m2 of surface37.5 ml/10 l water 10 l emulsion37.5 ml/10 l water 5 l emulsion
    Flying insects Consumption of working emulsion per 100 m2 of surface19 ml/10 l water 10 l emulsion19 ml/10 l water 5 l emulsion

    Poultry premises are treated twice, taking into account the development cycle of parasites, at an air temperature in the poultry house of 15–20°C - with an interval of 10–20 days, at temperatures above 20°C - with an interval of 5–8 days.

    Against zoophilic flies, disinfestation of livestock buildings, feed kitchens, artificial insemination points and other objects of veterinary supervision is used with 0.125% water emulsion "Deltsid" by selective spraying of insect planting sites (windows, walls, doors, support beams, etc.) with a consumption rate of 80 –100 ml/m2 of treated surface.

    Before disinfestation, the remaining feed, water, and dairy equipment are first removed from the premises, and milking equipment is covered with plastic wrap. 1–1.5 hours after treatment, the room is ventilated for at least 1 hour, dead flies are swept away and disposed of, feeders and drinking bowls are thoroughly washed, and then the animals are placed in the room.

    Before mass processing, each batch of the drug is first tested on a small group of animals (7–10 animals) of varying fatness. If there are no complications in the animals within 48 hours, treatment of the entire livestock begins.

    special instructions

    Sick and exhausted animals, as well as females no later than 2 weeks before giving birth, are not allowed to be processed. The combined use of Deltsid and organophosphorus insecticides is not recommended due to the increased toxicity of the drug.

    After finishing treatment, workers should wash their face and hands with soap. If the drug accidentally gets on the skin or mucous membranes of a person, immediately wash it off with a stream of water. If the drug gets inside, give the victim several glasses of warm water and 8-10 tablets of activated carbon.

    Slaughter of cattle, sheep and pigs for meat is permitted 15 days after treatment, rabbits - 3 days after the last treatment. In case of forced slaughter of animals before the established deadline, the meat can be used as animal feed or for processing into meat and bone meal.

    Milk from dairy cows treated against sarcoptic mites and lice is allowed to be used for food purposes no earlier than 3 days after treatment with Deltsid; milk from animals treated against horse flies, pasture flies and midges is allowed to be used without restrictions.

    Side effects.

    When used in accordance with the instructions, no side effects or complications are observed. With increased individual sensitivity of animals to deltamethrin, refusal of food, vomiting, swelling, and impaired coordination of movements are possible. In this case, further use of the drug is stopped and desensitizing therapy is carried out.


    Store in sealed manufacturer's packaging, in a dry place, protected from direct sunlight, separately from food and feed, at a temperature from minus 10°C to 30°C. Keep out of the reach of children. The shelf life of the drug, subject to storage conditions, is 2 years from the date of production. Deltsid should not be used after the expiration date.

    Premises treatment

    The use of diluted Deltsid for treating an apartment is permitted in an empty room behind closed windows and doors. For spraying, use a spray bottle into which fresh working solution is poured.

    Treatment of an apartment with Deltsid against fleas and other crawling insects is carried out as follows:

    • wear a respirator, gloves and long sleeves;
    • spray the product while holding your arm outstretched;
    • distance from the surface to be treated to the tip of the sprayer – 20 cm;
    • Apply the composition to the floor and walls up to a height of 1.5 m.

    Particular attention is paid to pets' resting areas, baseboards and crevices. After completing spraying, leave the room or apartment for 1 hour, closing the door tightly. If necessary, re-treat after 7-10 days.

    General description and composition

    Deltsid is a complex insecticide with a broad spectrum of action. It can be used to kill bed bugs, fleas, ticks, and, with some effectiveness, cockroaches and house ants (black and red).

    Deltsid is available in the form of 2 ml ampoules. The solution is an oily brownish liquid. Composition of the product:

    • 4% deltamethrin is the main active ingredient that has an insecticidal effect;
    • catalysts;
    • fragrance;
    • stabilizers.

    Initially intended for removing fleas and lice from pets, Deltsid later began to be used for disinfestation of premises

    The drug can be used to remove parasites from pets or to treat premises against insect pests. Initially, the product was created for the first purpose, but later its ability to exterminate bedbugs, cockroaches and ants was noticed.

    The average cost of Delcid is 190-210 rubles for 5 ampoules. You can buy the drug in pet stores; it is much less common in household chemical stores (insecticide department). To treat a large area, you can immediately take 1 liter of the product for 2180-2200 rubles.

    How does Deltsid act on bedbugs, and how effective is the product? (+video)

    The drug has a contact effect and does not drive away, but rather destroys parasites, causing failure of their nervous system within several hours after contact with the insecticide. During the time that the parasite's nervous system fails, it manages to infect other relatives.

    The result is the complete destruction of the colony within one week. But Delcid is effective only against sexually mature individuals, while it does not affect larvae, eggs or adults of insects. But this is not a problem, everything can be solved with repeated treatments.

    After the first treatment of the room, we wait 10-20 days and treat again, after the same time we do another treatment. The idea is simple: we wait for new offspring to hatch and eliminate them, after which the colony dies out completely.

    Delcid leaves passive protection for several months, that is, during this time the emergence of a new colony of parasites is impossible. There are very rarely exceptions if resistant (resistant) types of bed bugs get into the apartment.

    Is the product dangerous for humans and pets?

    Delcid belongs to hazard class 3 insecticides, that is, when used correctly, it is not dangerous for pets and people. Cases of intoxication are very rare and are associated with accidental ingestion of the product or its contact with mucous membranes.

    For greater safety, after treating the room, wait 12-24 hours, after which we wipe those areas with which you most often come into contact. First of all, these are door handles, furniture doors, and external structural elements of the bed.

    Be sure to wash window frames and baseboards, since pets may come into contact with the product in these places. If they are not there, do not wash off the product. It is strictly not recommended to wash off the preparation from the area under the bed, since in this case the passive protection against bedbugs will be impaired.

    You need to wear protective clothing when working with Deltsid. Wear construction glasses, rubber gloves, a change of long-sleeved shirt and pants, a respirator or a gauze bandage.

    Security measures

    The insecticide is highly toxic. It is allowed to work with it only with rubber gloves and a respirator. Hands and feet are protected with clothing. If drops of the substance accidentally come into contact with the skin or mucous membrane, thoroughly rinse the affected area with running water.

    It is forbidden to drink, eat or smoke in a room with sprayed Deltsid. Pesticide vapors quickly settle on food and, once inside, instantly cause poisoning. Dizziness, nausea and other typical symptoms of intoxication are a reason to stop treatment and go out into the fresh air. If the discomfort does not go away for a long time, you should call a doctor.

    Carrying out processing

    The disinfestation of the premises itself includes several stages, each of which affects the result.

    At the first stage it is necessary to prepare the room, this requires:

    • In this case, a vacuum cleaner is indispensable, since with its help you can collect and get rid of most of the clutches of eggs. You will need to vacuum carpets, upholstered furniture, all corners, and under furniture.
    • It is necessary to move furniture away from the walls, remove cobwebs and dust.
    • Be sure to do wet cleaning, which also gets rid of eggs.
    • Food must be packed in airtight bags or containers. Hide dishes, towels, personal hygiene products. It is also necessary to remove all personal belongings, children's toys, and animal toys from surfaces.

    Security measures

    There should be no people or animals in the apartment during the procedure. Processing is carried out only by those who use protective equipment. Remember that the drug is very dangerous for fish, birds and small animals; they should not be indoors.


    The procedure is carried out in a room with closed windows and doors. Be sure to wear clothing that completely covers your body, use gloves, a respirator and safety glasses. When using a spray bottle, you must hold it at arm's length. The substance is applied to the surface at a distance of 20 centimeters, which allows it to be evenly distributed.

    Pay attention to places where animals rest, baseboards, carpets, upholstered furniture, walls behind cabinets, cracks, corners. After applying the drug, you must leave the room for at least 1 hour. Upon return, be sure to thoroughly ventilate and wet clean areas with which people and animals come into contact.

    Important points

    • Remember that pesticides are very dangerous and can cause dangerous complications. Both skin contact and inhalation of toxic fumes are dangerous. You should be very careful and careful.
    • It is prohibited to eat, drink or smoke in the room where deltsid is used. After treatment, you need to change clothes, wash your hands with soap, wash your face and rinse your mouth with water, and go out into the fresh air. Upon returning, the apartment should be very well ventilated, there should be a draft and a wet cleaning should be carried out.
    • If delcide gets on the skin, the area should be washed with plenty of water and soap. In case of contact with mucous membranes, rinse thoroughly with water; if side effects occur, be sure to consult a doctor. If the drug is ingested, you should drink activated charcoal and a laxative medication. If any symptoms occur, consult a doctor.
    • If symptoms such as dizziness, headache, nausea and others appear while working with delcide, immediately stop working and go out into fresh air. If symptoms do not go away, be sure to consult a doctor.

    Cleaning the premises

    An important step is cleaning the premises, during which it is necessary to remove toxic chemicals from surfaces with which both people and animals come into contact. When wet cleaning, use a soda-soap solution, which allows you to neutralize hazardous substances.

    Cleaning the premises and utensils after disinfestation

    Before returning to the apartment, you need to protect it from any remaining toxic fumes. To do this, open the window for 2 hours. The drug remains active even after ventilation, so before cleaning the room, protect the skin of your hands with rubber gloves. Residues from items are removed with a soda-soap solution.

    It is forbidden to pour the remains of Delcid into the sewer. Its activity is neutralized with slaked lime. The half-life products of the drug are buried in the ground to a meter depth.

    Bury the remains

    The dishes in which the contents of the ampoule were mixed during disinfestation of the apartment should be treated with detergent. Cleaning is carried out in 2 stages. First apply soda moistened with water, and then soap foam.


    Under no circumstances should you pour the remaining Deltsid solution into the toilet. Reviews recommend treating the container in which the working solution was located with soda and soap solution. The remaining product must be completely neutralized and carefully buried in the ground to a depth of at least one meter.

    The choice of a high-quality insecticide largely determines the effectiveness of the room treatment procedure. Therefore, you should approach the issue of choosing it with all seriousness. You should mostly focus on reviews from real consumers who had the opportunity to verify in practice the effectiveness of a particular product. This is exactly the case with the drug Delcid. Customers describe it as an incredibly effective insecticide that has helped them completely get rid of bugs that were bothering them.

    It is important to remember that the maximum effect can be achieved only if you strictly adhere to all recommendations regarding the preparation of the working emulsion, as well as the process of treating the animal or premises. Strict adherence to the instructions contained in the instructions will help to avoid the occurrence of any adverse reactions from the body to exposure to the substance in question.

    It is necessary to treat the room as carefully as possible, without missing any surfaces or crevices. It would also be wise to spray the hard frame of upholstered furniture with the product. It is important to consider that during the first procedure insect eggs can be preserved, which at a certain stage of development have a durable shell that protects them from any, including chemical, external influence. Therefore, experts recommend that after ten to fourteen days an additional disinfestation procedure is carried out, which will destroy the newly born parasites. In this case, the victory over fleas will be final!

    Choose the best quality drugs, take care of yourself and your pets!

    Attention, TODAY only!

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    Efficacy of the drug

    The product has a prolonged effect. Once applied, it is particularly effective at killing pests within 1 hour. The effect lasts for 1 month, but gradually ultraviolet light neutralizes the activity of the insecticide.

    As practice shows, it is better to use Deltsid twice for treating an apartment. Deltamethrin cannot penetrate the dense chitinous coating of insect eggs. It is problematic to collect them mechanically or with a vacuum cleaner. Therefore, after 10 days the spraying is repeated. At this point, the eggs will hatch into larvae, which the drug can easily deal with.

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