Possible reasons
The occurrence of a tumor at the site of damage to the skin is associated with how the human immune system reacts to the ingress of foreign bodies and toxins. Trying to fight “uninvited guests,” the body pumps a large amount of intercellular fluid into the affected area.
Severe swelling of a limb when bitten by a mosquito is already an atypical reaction to an irritant. Normally, a swelling appears at the site of the wound, but its diameter does not exceed 5–7 mm.
When applying ice and treating with a disinfectant, redness and swelling disappear without a trace within 8–10 hours.
If the swelling is severe and affects the entire leg, then the reasons for this are often the body’s allergic reaction to the bite of a blood-sucking insect. This condition occurs:
- with weakened immunity;
- due to hypersensitivity of the skin;
- if a large number of bites are located in the same place;
- if the normal functioning of the heart or vascular system is disrupted;
- with a true allergy to mosquito saliva (extremely rare).
For a child under 1 year of age, a similar reaction of the body - severe swelling after a bite - is considered normal. After 12 months – an atypical manifestation of allergies.
What it is?
In medical practice, a mosquito bite that leads to the development of an allergic reaction is called culicidosis. Around the place where the insect stung, swelling and redness appear, the color of the epithelium changes, and a rash appears.
Mosquito allergies manifest themselves in different ways. There are several stages of the pathological process. There are two types of reactions:
- Organic local reaction. At the site of the bite, redness up to 5 cm in diameter and swelling of soft tissues are observed. These signs are accompanied by burning and itching; if you get an infection, the affected area becomes suppurated, nausea, weakness appear, and the temperature increases;
- A pronounced local reaction is characterized by redness over 5 cm in diameter and tissue swelling. Hyperemia and swelling can increase several days after the incident and persist for up to a week and a half. Additional symptoms: weakness, nausea, loss of appetite.
The main reason for an allergic reaction lies in the fact that the immune system does not produce antibodies that resist the insect's venom and saliva.
For your information, children under 3 years of age react most acutely to insect bites, due to an inferior immune system.
There are several reasons for the development of allergies:
- Hereditary predisposition. If there is a family history of allergies to pests, then information in the genetic code can be passed on to the baby.
- Failure of the immune system. It is impossible to predict the reaction. Allergies develop even in those children who do not have a tendency to such manifestations.
- The child's body is particularly sensitive to bites. In this case, the reaction is aggravated by preconditions - sleep disturbance, poor diet, general fatigue, etc.
The danger of bites lies not only in the development of allergies, but also in diseases transmitted by insects: mosquitoes - potential sources of yellow fever, flies - dysentery and typhoid, etc.
First aid
The first thing to do after discovering the site of a mosquito bite is to treat the wound with a disinfectant medicine or folk remedy. This step is necessary to prevent secondary infection from entering the body. Suitable for processing:
- alcohol or strong alcohol;
- hydrogen peroxide;
- vinegar or soda solution;
- alcohol tinctures of calendula, propolis, valerian;
- Menovazin ointment;
- ammonia;
- onion juice or gruel;
- saturated saline solution;
- tar or laundry soap;
- natural essential oils of sea buckthorn and tea tree.
If this step is neglected, after scratching the itchy bite, infections will enter the wound, which will lead to inflammation, suppuration and abscesses.
The next stage of first aid at home is relieving tissue swelling. For such purposes, cold compresses and vasoconstrictors are used. To get rid of leg swelling within 24 hours, apply cold applicators to the bite site every 6 hours for 10–15 minutes.
If after the specified time and procedures the swelling does not subside, folk recipes and pharmacological agents are added to the treatment.
What does a mosquito bite look like: symptoms and photos
A normal skin reaction to a mosquito bite is a single wound on an area of the body, accompanied by a slight rounded redness. Sometimes you can see a small hole in the center - a mark from the sting of a bloodsucker. Often in the middle of the redness a blister appears, reminiscent of a nettle sting. Itching is observed only at the site of the bite. If you do not comb the wound, all these manifestations disappear on their own within one or two days.
Treatment with antihistamines
Antihistamines (anti-allergic) drugs are used when it becomes clear that the immune system cannot cope with allergens that have entered the body on its own. Local medications come to the rescue:
- Advantan. The composition, safe even for children from 6 months, is produced in the form of lotion, cream or ointment. The result after application is visible within 45–60 minutes. In addition to the anti-edematous effect, it relieves inflammation and itching.
- Psilo-Balm. Approved for the treatment of dermatological problems in children from 12 months. The composition contains menthol, which additionally cools the skin.
- Fenistil. A popular composition in the form of a gel, which is prescribed even to children from six months old to reduce the activity of histamine. It is recommended to apply to a swollen leg at least 5 times a day.
- Wundehil.
- Elidel.
- Bepanten.
The effect is reinforced with the following allergy pills:
- Claritin;
- Suprastin;
- Eden;
- Diazolin;
- Elzet.
Treatment for mosquito bites at home is symptomatic. If the body's reaction is moderate, a small bump of reddened skin does not require treatment. However, children are often allergic to the bite, so a course of therapy will be required. In order not to harm the child, drugs should be used according to the age-specific dosage. When treating with folk remedies, it is also worth remembering that some recipes are intended for adults, and their use can cause an allergic reaction in an infant.
Other recommendations:
- for multiple bites, give allergy syrup (tablets);
- apply gel, balm or ointment to the skin, any remedy for mosquito bites for children to relieve itching and redness;
- Let the dekas drink more: it is important to remove toxins from the body. Boiled water or mineral water without gas will do. Be careful with herbal decoctions: some increase allergic reactions;
- Put on your child light clothes made of natural fabrics with long sleeves. Synthetic items are not suitable: irritation and allergy symptoms often intensify upon contact with material that does not allow air to pass through;
- Explain to older children that bites should not be scratched, otherwise the wounds will become infected;
- After applying the medicinal gel or ointment, monitor how the body reacts. If after a few hours the size of the red spots does not decrease, the symptoms intensify, urgently take the child to the hospital;
- if you don’t have a gel or balm against mosquito bites at home, use folk remedies, and then be sure to go to the pharmacy for medicine;
- If there are pronounced signs of an allergy, call an ambulance, especially in the case of small children.
If Quincke's edema develops, strange, suspicious spots all over the body, or severe shortness of breath, you should immediately call an ambulance. Before the medical team arrives, it is important to provide first aid to the injured baby. Recommendations on how to act in cases of severe allergies in children are given above.
Hormonal treatment
Potent drugs based on glucocorticosteroids are used in severe cases, when severe swelling of the leg around the bite site is accompanied by extensive redness, unbearable itching, and painful sensations. The following medications are used to relieve symptoms:
- Hydrocortisone. Available in ointment form, sold without a prescription. Allowed even for children aged 1 month.
- Beloderm. Betamethasone in the composition gives an immediate, pronounced anti-edematous effect. It is prohibited to use for treating swollen legs by people suffering from varicose veins.
- Sinaflan. Glucocorticosteroid agent in the form of an ointment. Intended for the treatment of atopic dermatitis, relieves swelling, itching, and inflammatory processes.
- Flucinar. The hormonal drug has an anti-inflammatory effect.
- Fucicort. The ointment copes with all types of allergic dermatitis, even with manifestations of autoimmune diseases on the skin. The swelling goes away in 15–20 minutes.
- Advantan. The antitumor effect is achieved thanks to the active substance called methylprednisolone aceponate. Apply ointment, cream or suspension twice a day for no longer than 5 days.
How to protect your child from mosquitoes
It is better to prevent your child from being bitten by mosquitoes at all. To protect against blood-sucking insects, there are special means - repellents. “They all contain either chemicals or essential oils, which means they can cause allergies,” says our expert. - They cannot be used in children under one year of age. Repellents are available in the form of bracelets, sprays, lotions, and creams. The spray should be applied to clothes, preferably in advance and away from the child. Cream or lotion - on open areas of the body, avoiding palms and fingers - the baby can pull his hands into his mouth, rub his eyes. The bracelet is worn on the leg. If necessary, you can apply a spray with essential oils to the stroller, but only if the baby is not allergic.”
Mosquitoes do not like strong odors; they are repelled by aqueous solutions of vanilla, citrus, and mint prepared at home. However, check how the child reacts to them.
“As a means of preventing insect bites, it would be right to choose mosquito nets on the windows and on the child’s stroller,” says our expert. “For walks, you should choose closed clothing, if possible, or a thin diaper if the child is in a stroller.”
Natural pharmaceutical medicines
To relieve swelling from a mosquito-bitten limb, pharmaceutical products with natural composition are also used:
- Boro Plus. The product consists of almost 100% organic plant extracts and essential oils. Disinfects and relieves swelling, redness and inflammation. Additionally, due to its insect-repellent aroma (pleasant to humans), it is used as a repellent.
- Vitaon. A preparation based on extracts of wormwood, yarrow, St. John's wort, mint, and thyme. Apply a thin layer of the oily composition to the affected skin twice a day.
- Gistan. Chamomile, immortelle, string and a vitamin complex in the ointment help remove excess intercellular fluid and accelerate cell regeneration.
- Star. A product familiar to many from childhood, based on cloves, camphor, cinnamon oil, menthol, eucalyptus, and mint. In addition to relieving swelling, it can remove inflammation, itching, and pain.
- Nezulin. The product is based on D-panthenol, which soothes itching and relieves swelling. Extracts of medicinal herbs and oils of mint, lavender, and basil enhance the effect.
- Menovazin. Menthol and anesthetics in the composition provide an immediate cooling effect, which gradually eliminates excessive swelling.
Symptoms of an insect bite
The nature of the manifestations resulting from the bite depends on the type of insect. General signs:
- hematomas, bruises and bumps in the damaged area;
- pain;
- redness;
- burning and itching.
Do not scratch the bitten area, otherwise infection may enter the wound.
It often happens that after an insect bite, the leg, arm and other parts of the body become swollen. The severity and localization of swelling depends on the type of pest and the location of the damage. In most cases, swelling from a bite goes away on its own within a few hours. If your leg or any other part is swollen and the swelling does not subside, you should immediately consult a doctor.
Itching and redness
Most often, itching and redness appear after bites of bedbugs, fleas and mosquitoes. To relieve discomfort, you can use pharmacy or folk remedies.
Painful sensations appear when stung by bees, spiders, scorpions and poisonous creatures. In some situations, pain occurs only a few minutes after the injury.
This condition is accompanied by redness of the damaged epidermis. Hyperemia accompanies any bites. It can only differ in severity and duration.
Allergy to insect bites
In most situations, parasite bites provoke the development of an allergic reaction. Main symptoms:
- painful sensations;
- swelling;
- red spots near the affected area;
- itching;
- increase in local temperature.
Most often, allergies do not require specific therapeutic measures. But in some situations, allergies are accompanied by more severe symptoms:
- stress;
- increased heart rate;
- problems with respiratory function;
- swelling of the larynx and face;
- dizziness;
- a sharp decrease in blood pressure;
- severe itching;
- skin rashes.
If you have these manifestations, you should definitely go to the hospital.
Folk recipes
If a cold compress does not have the desired effect on tissue swelling, more active substances and products are used. The following home remedies are effective in combating edema:
- Compress made from raw potatoes. The paste is applied to the affected area for 15–20 minutes, then washed off with cool water. The pulp of fresh cucumber and the leaves of white cabbage have a similar effect on tissue.
- A mixture of apple cider vinegar (2 tbsp) with the yolk of 1 chicken egg. The composition is evenly distributed over the swelling.
- Chilled sour cream of any fat content is applied in a thin layer to the area where swelling is visually noticeable.
- A mixture of castor oil and turpentine in proportions of 2 to 1 is heated to 30 degrees and applied to the limb. The product has a sharp, specific smell, but the results are immediate.
For a small child, the itching after a bite is painful. There are many folk remedies that effectively relieve itching and reduce swelling. People's experience recommends:
- Raw potatoes. The tuber is cut and the cut is applied to the bite site. You can make a lotion from potato juice or grated potatoes.
- Cabbage. The cabbage leaf is cooled, lightly crushed and bandaged to the affected area. Lotions with raw cabbage juice are also used.
- Parsley. Crushed parsley is applied to the swelling and secured with a bandage.
- Healing herbs. Plantain, dandelion, chamomile, aloe are finely crushed and used for compresses.
- Decoctions of medicinal plants. Decoctions are prepared from oak bark or medicinal herbs, which are used for compresses or wiping a swollen hand.
- Baking soda. A paste of water and soda is applied to the swelling until it dries. You can make lotions from a solution of soda in water - art. l. per glass.
- Sour cream, kefir, yogurt, fermented baked milk. Any fermented milk product will soften inflammation.
- Essential oils. Eucalyptus, tea tree, peppermint, and aloe oils relieve itching and repel mosquitoes.
- Toothpaste containing extracts of medicinal plants or menthol.
Folk remedies that require caution
Parents should remember about the delicate skin of the child and choose gentle treatment methods. Other available remedies can also help with mosquito bites, but they should be used carefully. These include:
- Bulb onions. The onion is cut in half and applied cut side to the skin. Care must be taken that the juice does not cause irritation.
- Vinegar. It reduces swelling and repels insects with its smell, but for children it is used only in a 1:2 solution with water.
- Perfumes, colognes. They disinfect the bite and repel mosquitoes, but the alcohol they contain can irritate children's delicate skin.
The advantage of folk remedies is that they are always at hand. But if an allergy develops and a tumor on the arm grows, pharmaceutical drugs are used.
Possible dangers
If, after providing first aid and treatment with special medications for 3 days, relief still does not occur, you should immediately consult a doctor. Swelling in some cases becomes a side symptom of serious diseases carried by bloodsuckers:
- Malaria is an infectious disease that is accompanied by high fever and anemia.
- Dirofilariasis is an infection with the larvae of nematode worms.
- Tularemia – accompanied by an acute rise in body temperature to +40 degrees.
- Viral fever.
People who have been bitten by a bite and who, in addition to swelling, have the following symptoms, need immediate medical examination:
- heat, fever;
- joint pain;
- weakness;
- nausea;
- headache;
- visual impairment.
Against the background of swelling of the tissues of the limbs, some people become more active:
- chronic inflammatory processes;
- allergic dermatitis in the form of urticaria;
- otitis, rhinitis, bronchitis and other respiratory diseases.
Severe swelling of the leg after a mosquito bite is a sure sign of a serious malfunction of the immune system, which results in an allergic reaction. After relieving symptoms and eliminating swelling, you need to visit an allergist to select medications and understand the reasons for this reaction of the body.
If, after a mosquito bite, the hand of a child or adult is swollen, then to relieve the developing inflammatory process it is necessary to use special drugs with antihistamine, anti-inflammatory, sedative and analgesic effects.
Ointments for mosquito bites
In a situation where the hand is swollen after a mosquito bite, Levomekol ointment will help. The basis of the combined drug is chloramphenicol (an antibiotic) and methyluracil (an immunostimulating agent), due to which the drug has an antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effect. The ointment is effective for the treatment of carbuncles, boils, trophic ulcers, as well as tumors and swelling after a mosquito bite.
The composition is applied to the affected area of the arm or leg for adults and children over 3 years of age. The duration of treatment is no more than 5-7 days. The cost of Levomekol ointment (40 g) is within 40 rubles.
The antihistamine and anti-inflammatory gel has a cooling effect and quickly relieves allergy symptoms (redness, swelling, itching). The active component in it is dimethindene, a component that acts as an H1 receptor blocker.
The composition is applied to the swelling caused by a mosquito bite, no more than 4 times a day. The use of the gel is not recommended for children under 1 month of age, as well as for people with hypersensitivity to the components of the drug. Fenistil gel should be used with caution during pregnancy and breastfeeding. The price of a tube (30 g) is around 350 rubles.
Flucinar gel will quickly relieve swelling and swelling after a mosquito bite. It has anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic effects, thanks to the fluocinolone included in its composition. The drug is intended for the treatment of acute and severe non-infectious inflammatory diseases of the skin, accompanied by persistent itching.
The composition is applied to the affected area 1-2 times a day for adults and children over 2 years old. The duration of treatment is no more than 14 days.
The use of the gel is contraindicated for nursing and pregnant women, as well as for bacterial, viral and fungal skin infections.
The cost of a tube (15 g) is about 250-300 rubles.
If it is not possible to relieve swelling, swelling and redness after a mosquito bite, hormonal agents such as Advantan, Akriderm or Hydrocortisone ointment are prescribed. However, due to the presence of limitations and side effects, they should be used only after consulting a doctor.
All of the above products are intended for external use. Anti-inflammatory drugs for internal use include Suprastin, Soventol, Loratadine, Fenistil or Diazolin, which are taken according to the instructions.
Folk remedies after insect bites
There are many home recipes that can be used to eliminate the negative consequences resulting from a bite. Their advantages are availability and high efficiency.
This product is in any kitchen. With its help you can quickly get rid of swelling and redness. To do this, prepare a garlic-water tincture from 2 crushed heads and 250 ml of clean water. The mixture is applied to gauze or a bandage, which is placed on the bitten area. Garlic tincture is particularly effective in eliminating itching and swelling after bites of midges, horse flies and mosquitoes.
In addition to the tincture, you can use a gruel made from 1 garlic clove. To do this, the mixture must be placed on the skin and covered with a bandage. The gruel helps with bee and wasp stings. In case of suppuration of the wound, the garlic composition can be mixed with honey in the same ratio. However, this technique is not suitable for allergy sufferers and those with sensitive skin, because... Garlic can cause severe burns.
Cabbage leaves help quickly get rid of compaction and swelling in the bite area. To do this, they need to be cut into strips and scalded with boiling water so that their structure softens. Then the strips are applied to the wound and covered with polyethylene, on top of which the fabric is tied. This compress will relieve pain and swelling in just 1 night.
Homemade cabbage ointment is also highly effective. It is prepared from 1/4 of a fresh head of cabbage, a small bunch of parsley and 50-55 g of internal fat (pork). The vegetable should be crushed to a pasty state. You need to squeeze the juice out of the parsley and chop the plant. The components are mixed with pork fat. The finished composition must be stored in the refrigerator. You need to apply it to problem areas 2 times a day. Swelling with its use subsides after 1-2 days. Pain and itching go away faster.
Soda and vinegar
To do this, soda powder must be diluted with liquid until a paste-like mixture is obtained. The paste is applied to problem areas and fixed with a plaster and bandage.
As an alternative, you can use a wash with a mixture of 1 tsp. soda and 250 ml of water. This technique is excellent for treating multiple bites.
To eliminate negative symptoms, vinegar 3% is used. A bandage is soaked in it, which is then applied to the location of the tumor and redness. The duration of the procedure is from 20 to 30 minutes. When using this product, you should avoid getting vinegar on the combed areas, as this can cause a chemical burn. In addition, it is prohibited to use the essence of this substance.
If it is impossible to use vinegar, herbs are used to eliminate swelling. Most often mint and basil are used for this purpose. To prepare basil decoction you need 2 tbsp. l. Boil the dried raw materials in 500 ml of water for 5 minutes. You need to consume half a glass three times a day.
Mint is best used fresh. The juice of the plant is applied to the bites. You can also place the grass in a small fabric bag. The procedure must be performed three times a day for 20-30 minutes.
Hygiene products
In some situations, you can get rid of swelling, redness and itching using personal hygiene products. To do this, use toothpaste and soap. To reduce swelling, you need to thoroughly soap problem areas twice a day. To get rid of itching, apply a little paste with mint to the bite to clean your teeth.
How to relieve swelling in a child from a mosquito bite:
Unfortunately, not only adults, but also children suffer from culicidosis.
That is why it is important for parents to know how to eliminate the consequences of a bite - itching, swelling, hyperemia and other symptoms
For mild forms of allergies, seeking help from a specialist may not be necessary - it is enough to use readily available pharmaceutical and folk remedies. So, the following will help relieve a local allergic reaction:
- Rescuer;
- Tiger balm;
- Vitaon;
- Fenistil-gel;
- Panthenol;
- Akri-derm;
- Bepanten;
- Soventol;
- Sinaflan;
- La Cree;
- Psilobalm;
- Tsindol;
The most effective methods, according to mothers, today are: Calamine lotion: instantly relieves swelling, itching and redness.
Balm Sun: convenient and practical to use.
Nezulin cream: helps relieve swelling well, consists of herbs.
It is simple to use these pharmaceutical compositions - just apply a small amount of the drug to previously cleansed skin at the site of the bite. The manipulations are repeated until the swelling, hyperemia, itching and thickening disappear.
You can cope with mild forms of mosquito bites at home thanks to proven folk remedies:
- You can apply a cut of a tomato, onion or a clove of garlic to the bite site for a few minutes;
- 1 tsp. baking soda is diluted in 200 ml of warm water, wipe the seal on the skin with the resulting solution;
- the bite site is treated with one of the listed remedies - apple cider vinegar, cologne, alcohol, Corvalol, Valocordin;
- Apply a small amount of mint toothpaste to the affected area of skin;
- Infusions of medicinal herbs (chain, calendula, chamomile, wormwood) will also help relieve swelling and itching.
- Potato slices applied to the affected areas will help relieve swelling in the eyelid area.
- dilute a furatsilin tablet in a glass of water and lubricate the swelling with the resulting liquid
- you can lubricate the bite areas with brilliant green to avoid infection
- mint and bird cherry leaves are crushed and applied to swelling
- plantain or cabbage leaves are kneaded, moistened and applied to the bite sites
For moderate and severe culicidosis, in addition to local remedies, systemic antihistamines are required (they are selected exclusively by a doctor). So, to combat swelling, eliminate itching, hyperemia and other symptoms that accompany an allergic reaction, experts prescribe:
- Zodak;
- Claritin;
- Tavegil;
- Suprastin;
- Loratadine;
- Cetrin.
Antiallergic tablets (capsules, drops) are combined with hormonal ointments - Advantan, Prednisolone, Hydrocortisone. If the appearance of a thickening on the skin is accompanied by the development of an inflammatory process, treatment is supplemented with Levomekol, Ficidin, Gentamicin and other local anti-inflammatory compounds.
Important: symptoms of anaphylactic shock in a child are a reason to immediately call an ambulance. Before the doctors arrive, it is necessary to lay the baby on a horizontal surface, turn his head to the left, and monitor his breathing.
In order not to disrupt blood circulation, the baby’s legs should be positioned slightly higher than the body.
The doctor must give the child an injection of Adrenaline or Epinephrine. Antihistamines are administered both intramuscularly and intravenously. In severe forms of an allergic reaction, a small patient is given an injection of Dexamethasone (a powerful anti-allergic hormonal agent). For bronchospasms, Berotec and Salbutamol (anti-asthmatic drugs) are used.
How to relieve itching from mosquito bites using folk remedies
If a child has been bitten by mosquitoes, and there are no medications at hand, you can try to relieve the itching using traditional medicine recipes. “As soon as you notice a bite, apply cold to the area, for example, by wrapping an ice cube in a napkin,” advises Svetlana Tolstova. — As a result of exposure to cold, small blood vessels spasm, and allergic mediators do not spread. Then apply a soda “cake” to the affected area. This will relieve swelling and itching. This method has no restrictions - it is suitable for the smallest children. You can try to soothe the itching with mint infusion lotions if the child is not allergic to grass.”
Allergy to insect bite - swelling and swelling of the face
A strong reaction to insect attacks is characteristic of a large part of the population. This is due to acute sensitivity to substances contained in the pest’s enzymes. Swelling occurs especially often in the area of the face and eyelid, where a person has the most delicate and vulnerable tissues (especially children). Even more often, this problem occurs in a child, which leads parents to discussions on the topic: “what to do and how to remove it from children.”
How to treat tumors and swelling from insect bites?
Saliva, poison and other secretions are allergens that, when they enter a person’s skin with a sting, cause redness, severe itching, swelling and other unpleasant sensations.
Allergies can occur when stung by midges, bees, wasps, mosquitoes, fleas and other pests.
In order to treat any swelling from insect bites quickly and effectively, you should understand why the bitten area becomes swollen and what remedies can be used.
An allergic symptom is caused by the following composition of saliva and poison:
- Apamin is a substance that excites the nervous system;
- Meditin is a poison that causes inflammation and disruption of metabolic processes in tissues;
- Histamine is a substance that dilates blood vessels and causes inflammation;
- Hyaluronidase is a drug that accelerates the spread of poison.
First aid is to remove the sting
This must be done carefully using tweezers treated in a solution of hydrogen peroxide or alcohol. Now wipe the reddened area of skin with an antiseptic
then you can apply ointment for swelling and swelling. Tablets are taken only in case of a previously established allergic reaction of the body. For example, many people know that they cannot tolerate bee venom, so they always carry pills or injections with them during their active life.
Swelling can also occur as a result of the bite of small pests that do not have a sting, such as fleas or mosquitoes. Treatment in such cases is carried out with antiallergic drugs. It is also recommended to cool the tumor by applying ice or a cold object to it. After using special tablets, the swelling will smoothly go away in the near future.
How to relieve swelling from insect bites - remedies for swelling
Treatment after an insect attack is available for children and adults. To relieve swelling and discomfort, special medications are used. These are divided into several groups, depending on their composition:
In case of a bite, treatment is carried out with the following drugs:
- Antihistamines - Suprastin, Diazolin, Diprazine, Diphenhydramine, Terfenadine, Azelastine and others;
- Glucocorticoids – Hydrocortisone, Prednisolone, Betamethasone;
- Mast cell stabilizers: Ketotifen, Nedocromil, Intal;
- Symptomatic drugs: Fenoterol, Adrenaline, Salbutamol.
Ointment for swelling due to insect bites
To quickly relieve allergy symptoms to insect bites in adults and children, eye ointment and other local remedies can be used. The allergic reaction will immediately become easier, redness and pain will go away. It is often recommended to treat with hydrocortisone ointment, because it can relieve swelling and does not harm the eye, even if the help is provided to a child. Another proven remedy is antiseptic ointments: Oflocain, Tetracycline ointment.
Glucocorticoid medications will also help relieve swelling, including Hyoxysone and Prednisolone ointments.