Incredibly tenacious and easily adapting to new conditions, cockroaches can significantly ruin the lives of apartment residents. They make food unusable, carry dangerous infectious diseases and can even cause painful bites. The presence of even a small number of unpleasant insects in the house should never be ignored. The powdered pesticide Tiuram can help you win a merciless battle with mustachioed pests.
Thiuram powder effectively fights cockroaches
What is Thiuram?
This word refers to a powder that is used in the rubber industry to accelerate vulcanization processes.
What does this industry produce? That's right, the first thing that comes to mind is tires and cables. Hence the name - cable or bus powder. Thiuram's formula includes fipronil, a broad-spectrum pyrethroid insecticide. In addition to fipronil, the product effectively destroys synanthropic insects due to the presence of pinerobutoxide in the composition. This substance is an insecticide and at the same time extends the life of fipronil - it is this tandem that makes thiuram so highly effective in killing insects.
Since cable powder belongs to the class of highly toxic substances, it is not so easy to find it on sale, but it is definitely worth the try - numerous reviews indicate excellent results in the fight against insects. By the way, this same product can be successfully used to destroy pests in the country.
If you are lucky enough to find Tiuram in a store, be sure to ask the seller for a certificate - this way you can be sure that you are not buying a counterfeit, but an original and effective product. The point is also that fakes are often even more toxic than the original poison, so it’s better not to take risks and play it safe.
Basic information about the drug
Thiuram is a white or gray crystalline powder that is almost odorless. It is used in the rubber industry, in the manufacture of tires, to enhance vulcanization. Because of this, the drug received the name – tire or cable powder. Melts at a temperature of 150°C. Poorly soluble in water. Soluble in alcohol, acetone.
By chance, Tiuram was discovered to have fungicidal properties, that is, it is able to suppress the spread of fungi and fight pests. The drug helps well in the fight against cockroaches.
Composition of the poisonous agent
Thiuram is a very poisonous drug. The main active ingredient in the composition is pinerobutoxide, which is classified as a high-risk substance. When working with it, you must use protective equipment and follow safety regulations.
Pinerobutoxide significantly increases the toxic effect on insects, which makes the use of the drug effective. Thiuram quickly decomposes under the influence of ultraviolet rays and is highly soluble in organic solvents.
Composition of the product
The active ingredient in Tiuam is fipronil. Cockroaches do not have to eat the drug; they can simply walk on the powder and it will immediately begin to act. Insects do not die instantly. Before their death, they manage to meet with their relatives and transfer the poison to them. This is how the chain reaction to the use of Thiuram manifests itself. The poison destroys the central nervous system of the insect, as a result of which it is paralyzed and dies. No parasite can survive.
One of the components of the powder is pinerobutoxide. This is a strong insecticide, the use of which gives a long-lasting effect. The substance increases the duration of action of the remaining components of the powder. With pinerobutoxide, cockroaches can be eliminated with one single application. The composition of the drug includes aromatic additives.
Thiuram for cockroaches
Tyuram against cockroaches is effective at any temperature for a long time. It is undesirable to use in conditions of high humidity, like most other powdered products. Packed in 50 grams, designed to process 30-40 square meters. m. The cost of packaging in Moscow is 350 rubles.
Mechanism of action on cockroaches
A more detailed description of Tiuram’s actions against the Prussians can be seen as follows:
- Additional substances in the composition of the drug lure insects by smell and shape;
- After contact, the pest is considered not only poisoned, but also a carrier of poison;
- A chitinous shell is formed on the body of the insect, upon interaction with which other cockroaches receive poison from an already infected insect;
- The components of Thiuram act on the nervous system of Prussians, thereby disabling protective enzymes;
- The impulse no longer reaches the limbs of the cockroach and it dies.
- Thus, a living or dead cockroach infects neighbors hiding in a shelter, and as a result, all cockroaches face paralysis and death.
How to use the drug correctly
To destroy parasites using the Tiuram insecticide, you will have to work hard. Be sure to read the instructions. Some manufacturers recommend mixing cockroach repellent with egg yolk and leaving drops in areas where insects live. In other cases, it is recommended to sprinkle the powder along the baseboards.
Destruction of insects using Tiuram is a long process, it will take almost the whole day, so it is better to get down to business in the morning. Send your children and pets to the country house, to visit relatives, or organize a trip to the forest with one of the adult family members. Be sure to provide them with enough food and warn them that they can only return in the evening.
First prepare the room. Stock up on a huge number of large plastic bags and pack everything you can into them: dishes, toys, clothes. Place the food in the refrigerator or take it out onto the balcony in an airtight container. Move furniture away from the walls and wipe all surfaces that are not afraid of water with a damp cloth. Cleaning is necessary to wash away cockroach larvae. Close all doors, windows and vents. If this is not done, the insects will go to the neighbors, wait out the dangerous period there and return.
Sprinkle the product around the perimeter of the room along the baseboards. Treat areas where traces of cockroaches are visible. Using a brush, apply Tiuram to the lower surfaces of walls and furniture. Process the perimeters of the openings. Place pieces of paper with a small amount of insecticide in the cabinets. The poison will act for several hours, during which time no one should be at home. Sometimes the instructions recommend not removing the product for half a month, until new individuals hatch from all the eggs. If you have the opportunity to leave your home for a long period of time, do so.
How to properly prepare a room for processing
Preparing the room is a must before treating with chemicals. To remove cockroaches permanently, you need to take a couple of steps in advance:
- Insect habitats must be treated with a chemical.
Cockroaches can hide in the corners of the room. Be sure to pour powder into hard-to-reach areas. Be sure to move furniture and all equipment in the room in order to treat as many secluded places as possible where cockroaches are likely to live.
- The contents of the cabinets should be removed from the premises.
When this is not possible, then all dishes, clothes and other accessories must be sealed tightly. This way the poison won't get on your things. It is better not to use regular bags, since the likelihood of chemical penetration is quite high.
- Access to water should be blocked.
Cockroaches are one of the most tenacious insects. They can live a long time without food, but without water they will only last a week. Therefore, faucets that leak need to be repaired. Wipe the bathroom and sink dry.
- Before treating the apartment, it is recommended to perform a general cleaning.
It is preferable to block parasites from accessing food. Parquet, dishes, tables need to be wiped. There should not even be crumbs in the room. The garbage should also be thrown out to eliminate all possible feeding grounds for cockroaches. All surfaces are washed, treated with soda solution, and wiped dry.
- When a chemical is sprayed, some insects may leave the infected area, running away to neighbors.
To prevent the return of these dangerous parasites, it is recommended to close the ventilation ducts with a net before treatment.
For strength, tape is glued on top. Windows and doors are also covered. If you treat a room with the windows and doors open, the draft will carry away a huge part of the poison, and this will reduce the effectiveness of the product.
To avoid negative results and eradicate cockroaches without harming yourself and others, you should prepare for treatment in advance:
- Preparing the apartment premises. Dishes, hygiene and bedding equipment, children and pets, and food products are removed from the house or apartment.
- To perform the work, protective clothing and respirators are used.
- Tools. For application it is recommended to use a sponge or brush.
- The composition is applied to the outside of furniture and carpets.
- Skirting boards and doors must be treated.
After the time specified in the instructions, the treated area is ventilated and washed with soap. To remove small particles of the substance, use a vacuum cleaner.
Instructions for using thiuram as a powder against cockroaches After several years of working with thiuram. Based on personal experience and a large number of grateful customers, we have compiled instructions for using thiuram! In order to treat with thiuram, you do not need preliminary preparation of the room and painful moving of furniture.
Please note that only the kitchen, bathroom and toilet are processed!
In the kitchen, tiuram should be scattered only in places inaccessible to either humans or animals. Take a sheet of A4 format, cover its surface with a thin layer of thiuram powder and lay out the sheets in 2 pieces. under the refrigerator and stove, washing machine, sink, kitchen unit. Wherever you can, but only on the floor and only in hard-to-reach places. We wait more than 3 weeks, during which time the cockroaches should completely disappear from your home. After a month, we remove the sheets with thiuram. In the toilet we pour 1 teaspoon into the pipe supply. There are 2 spoons in the bathroom. If the water supply is common, 2 spoons will be enough. In this case, we do not remove the tiuram, to protect against roaches that can migrate through drainpipes. When working with thiuram, use gloves and a damp medical or cotton-gauze bandage. After treatment, take a shower immediately !!! IMPORTANT!!! — DO NOT TASTE TIURAM, KEEP WELL PACKED IN A PLACE THAT IS DIFFICULT TO ACCESS, AWAY FROM CHILDREN AND PETS. Previously, we recommended carrying out processing in two stages, because we did it ourselves, but from our experience and feedback from customers, it became clear that this is not necessary!
You can find our old instructions from sellers on Avito and other sites; most likely these are scammers who may have never worked with this product. First stage: In the kitchen, we clear the entire working wall (move aside the kitchen set, refrigerator and stove. We do light cleaning (sweeping), take a teaspoon, scoop up a heaping amount of powder into it and scatter thiuram over the baseboard at the rate of one spoon of powder per meter of baseboard. You can: convenience, sprinkle the product through a sheet of paper, find a convenient way for yourself. We scatter only where it is impossible for either a person or an animal to come into contact!! Separately, scatter a teaspoon of Tiuram powder under the entire surface of the stove, refrigerator and in places where pipes are supplied. Put the furniture back . In the bathroom we also spread it along the baseboard, behind the washing machine and in the places where pipes are supplied. We do the same procedure in the bathroom. ATTENTION!!! If you have pets, then in the bathroom and toilet we spread the powder only behind the washing machine and in the places where the pipes are supplied. We do this so that your pet does not get to the powder. Separately, we take boxes, for example disposable containers, make holes in them (so that the cockroach can climb in) and place one under the bathroom, the other in the bathroom. If you suspect that food remains may be in the bedroom, then place a teaspoon in these rooms in hard-to-reach places. But not near where you sleep!! This concludes the first stage. There is no need to leave the room, but additional ventilation is recommended!! We're waiting two weeks. Second stage: After two weeks, you will notice that there are more cockroaches! This means the powder has begun to act. Cockroaches that lived in places where you could not see them leave their cozy places. After three weeks , all the cockroaches will leave your house, you need to move everything away again, thoroughly wash the surfaces (don’t forget to use protection) and scatter them again, but in smaller quantities (half a teaspoon of Tiuram powder per meter of baseboard. In boxes you don’t need to change We wait another month (so that the neighbors understand that they are not allowed to visit you). After a month, we remove the powder with light sweeping (let the microparticles remain). This long stage will rid your house of cockroaches for a very long period, since you will destroy not only insects, but also their larvae!!
Instructions for use of Thiuram
The drug is a toxic poison, so it should be used strictly according to the instructions, taking into account all precautions.
Preparation of the solution
Thiuram can be prepared in two effective ways:
- With egg yolk. Often the drug is mixed with fresh egg yolks, since the formed poisonous balls are considered very attractive to cockroaches, both in shape and smell. To do this, mix one package of poisonous powder into several egg yolks and mix well until a homogeneous thick paste. Small balls are made from this paste and placed throughout the apartment. The remaining mixture can be stirred a little with water and the resulting liquid can be used to lubricate cabinet doors, refrigerators, doors and ventilation slots.
- Dry powder. Thiuram can also be used in its existing form. The powder is gradually scattered in places where it is easier for cockroaches to find it, for example, near the stove or refrigerator.
Preparing the premises
Preparing the room before using the drug is very important for two reasons. Thiuram is dangerous for people and animals, so it should not come into contact with household items and food products.
It would be better to place all towels, bedding and clothing in plastic. Food and utensils can be wrapped in cling film.
It is advisable to thoroughly wash the room beforehand, and walk well behind cabinets, sofas and the refrigerator with a wet cloth.
Good to know! After the preparatory procedures, people, animals and other living creatures (fish, parrots and turtles are also included in this list) should be taken outside, away from the place of bullying. After this, you should close the windows and doors, treat the apartment with a solution or dry Thiuram and leave yourself.
The effect of "Tiuram" on living organisms
This is a contact action drug: as soon as the insect touches the powder, destruction begins in its body. The process of cell division is disrupted, disruptions in the functioning of the nervous system and paralysis occur, and the formation of chitin for the integument of the body ceases. It is believed that eggs and larvae also die under the influence of the insecticide, but the manufacturer recommends repeating the treatment after 2 weeks.
The cockroach does not die immediately; it continues to move normally for some time. This is not a minus, but a plus of the drug. When communicating with other individuals, the insect transfers the poison to them. As a result, even those parasites that managed to avoid contact with the powder die.
The poison is dangerous for any living beings. Having inhaled air in which 0.5 g of powder is sprayed per 1 m3, people become severely poisoned and must be urgently taken to the hospital. “Tiuram” is especially harmful for children, elderly and sick people, and pregnant women. The drug is dangerous not only for warm-blooded animals, but also for fish and reptiles. When treating a room, remove or tightly close terrariums and aquariums.
How does the product work?
Tiuram for cockroaches
Tiuram begins to act on cockroaches upon direct contact with it. By touching it, irreversible processes begin to occur in the insect’s body:
- the functioning of the nervous system is disrupted;
- the formation of chitin for the covering of the cockroach body stops;
- the process of cell division is disrupted.
Advantages and disadvantages of insecticide
Like any product that is used to control insect pests, Tiuram has some advantages and disadvantages. Among the advantages of the product it should be noted:
- Effectively eliminates even large colonies of insects;
- To destroy pests, a minimum amount of the drug is sufficient;
- The product helps to cope with more than 30 types of parasites;
- Does not cause surface deformation;
- Affordable price - on average 140 rubles per bag;
- The composition can be used outdoors.
However, “Tiuram” is a potent poison, and therefore has the following disadvantages:
- The product is dangerous for animals and people. If used incorrectly, the drug can cause severe poisoning and death;
- You can only buy the anti-cockroach composition from specialists, which is due to the toxicity of the drug;
- The powder is inconvenient to use.
Pros and cons of pesticides
Like any other modern remedy for black and red cockroaches, cable Tiuram has its positive and negative sides. The main advantages that make buyers choose this powder are the following:
- The product allows you to deal a crushing blow to a horde of cockroaches, therefore, it can be used to treat residential and non-residential premises with a large infestation zone.
- The high rate of insect destruction is also captivating. Literally after 3-4 hours you can find the first corpses on the floor.
- The powder equally successfully exterminates both cockroaches and bedbugs, ants and other insects that have come into contact with the poison.
- The substance retains its properties for some time after disinfestation.
- The price of the powder does not hurt your wallet too much. A small bag of Tiuram insecticide will cost approximately 100 rubles.
Thiuram powder is quite cheap, which will allow a person with any income level to buy it.
Unfortunately, the drug has a lot of disadvantages. It is worth mentioning the high toxicity of the reagents included in the insecticide. The powdery mass is formed by very tiny particles, and therefore they instantly enter the airspace from the open package.
Many consider a significant drawback of the Tiuram bulk product against bedbugs and cockroaches to be the fact that it is problematic to apply it to vertically located planes, since the toxic composition is not prepared in the form of a solution.
Precautionary measures
If you decide to fight cockroaches with potent insecticides that are potentially dangerous to humans, then you need to remember a few points:
- When applying the composition, you should wear a protective suit: goggles, mask or respirator, rubber gloves, overalls;
- When purchasing an insecticide, you need to find out what compound the composition is based on;
- You must follow the instructions for use exactly.
Thiuram anti-cockroach powder is very poisonous, so follow the instructions carefully to prevent poisoning of people or pets
When purchasing an insecticide, you should pay special attention to the manufacturer of the drug and check the availability of certificates of conformity from the seller. This will help protect you and your loved ones from poisoning.
Why is Tiuram dangerous for people and animals?
The instructions talk about precautions, but it does not say what happens when poisoning with Tiuram. Acute intoxication is rare; for this you need to smell or taste the drug on your tongue, which no sane person would do. If you take all protective measures, you will not face such danger. Only the manufacturer recommends leaving some of the powder in hard-to-reach places, therefore, it will act for a long time on the whole family. Even if you do not follow this advice, you will not be able to completely collect the drug from all the cracks.
With constant exposure, a person experiences:
- headache;
- memory impairment;
- changes in the nasopharyngeal mucosa;
- pain in the eyes, tears;
- pathologies of the cervix in women;
- changes in the blood formula.
Of course, these studies were conducted on people working in hazardous industries. The concentration of the toxic substance in the apartment will be significantly less, but there is reason to think about it. In women working with Tiuram, 11.4% of precancerous changes in the cervix were identified, and in the control group - less than 3%.
During experiments on animals from prolonged exposure to the drug, disturbances in the functioning of all systems were discovered. DNA changes have been observed in cats during acute poisoning. In pigs, residues of toxins were noticed in the tissues a month after contact with the drug.
Is it possible to be poisoned by the drug: symptoms and first aid
If you use the product incorrectly and exceed the dosage, you can get poisoned. The powder should be stored in areas where neither children nor pets can reach.
When poisoned by a chemical, a person will experience the following symptoms:
- Frequent headaches.
- Memory may deteriorate.
- My eyes are watering.
- Unpleasant sensations in the nasopharynx.
First aid in case of contact with skin:
- If the product gets on your skin, wash it thoroughly with soap.
- If chemicals get into your eyes, wash with copious amounts of water.
- After treating the room, clothes should be washed and all used tools should be thrown away.
- The person who carried out the treatment must wash completely and change clothes.
Directions for use and precautions
Employees of pest control services know firsthand what a serious threat to human health this powerful pesticide poses, therefore they strongly recommend that everyone who plans to poison domestic insects thoroughly study the instructions for Tiuram against cockroaches.
Preparation for processing requires some effort. It is imperative to hide all food, put things in a secluded place or wrap them tightly in plastic. Windows, doors and ventilation shafts should be tightly closed. Immediately before the start of disinfestation measures, people and pets must be removed from the premises.
This is interesting: global gel against cockroaches.
Thiuram powder is primarily a poison, so be sure to wear protective equipment
One of the most important points is the correct equipment. You cannot start work without a respiratory mask, rubber gloves and safety glasses. Upon completion of the procedure, work clothes must be disposed of. The instructions for the cable powder against cockroaches also state that the product should be applied with a brush or sponge. When processing a living space, special attention should be paid to the following places:
- space next to the trash can and kitchen sink;
- flooring and walls near baseboards and doorways;
- grilles providing ventilation;
- back walls of upholstered furniture and cabinets.
As soon as the treatment comes to an end, you should immediately leave home for at least a day. Be sure to wash yourself and wash the things you wore during the procedure. Upon returning, all interior items and the floor are thoroughly washed with a soda solution, and cross-ventilation is also provided.
Anyone who has not yet decided on a means of fighting cockroaches can turn to Thiuram powder for help. This drug, tested for more than one generation, if it does not give a 100% result, will at least get rid of annoying insects for some time.
Effect on humans
However, do not rush to open a new tab and move the contact to the address bar. First, find out what you have to deal with and decide whether you are able to provide the appropriate conditions for using the drug.
TMTD is a toxin-devil and without any “unpredictably prevailing accompanying circumstances”, it affects almost all organs and systems of the body:
- Strong neurotoxin (nerve poison): blocks the transmission of nerve impulses to muscles. First of all, the respiratory muscles, so severe poisoning is accompanied by very painful suffocation.
- Lipotropic toxin: capable, like naphthalene, of accumulating in fatty tissues, subsequently causing sudden acute poisoning. It also easily penetrates the body through intact skin when fat is reabsorbed.
- Inhalation poison: Inhalation of thiuram dust and vapors causes emphysema and pulmonary edema.
- Causes severe dysfunction and irreversible pathological changes in the heart, liver, gastrointestinal tract, and thyroid gland.
- It is a hemotoxin: it reduces the content of SH groups in the blood, causing leukopenia; at the same time it affects the hematopoietic organs (bone marrow, spleen).
- Strong allergen; irritates skin, mucous membranes, eyes. A single exposure to thiuram powder on the conjunctiva can lead to blindness, and on the skin - cause blistering eczema.
- Carcinogen.
- Gonadotoxin, i.e. The consequences of thiuram poisoning can be impotence and infertility.
- Embryogen, teratogen, mutagen, i.e. influences (of course, not at all beneficially) on conception, fetal development and the appearance of hereditary anomalies in the offspring.
- It has a pronounced cumulative effect, i.e. Both acute single and chronic poisoning are possible as a result of permanent exposure to microdoses of thiuram.
- Synergistic with nicotine, neonicotinoids (active ingredients of many pesticides), psychotropic, neuroregulatory and other medications and other means. Those. thiuram and the listed substances mutually enhance each other’s effects; the final result highly depends on individual characteristics, the state of the victim’s body and is actually unpredictable. A cup of coffee, drunk a day after contact with thiuram, can turn out to be a serious poison: caffeine is an alkaloid, and, therefore, although weak, it is a psychotropic.
- Highly synergistic with alcohol. But if you drink, don’t lick your lips: it’s not the “high”, “high” or “buzz” that increases, but the toxicity. To put it simply, a “sweaty” person who has barely come into contact with thiuram is immediately hit with such a “breakdown” that a champagne-hussar hangover will seem like euphoria. According to the testimony of practicing doctors - narcologists and toxicologists - heroin withdrawal is even easier.
- There is no specific antidote for thiuram, and where would it come from given such and such a spectrum of action? Treatment is symptomatic. That is, there is no and cannot be a guarantee of complete recovery from even mild thiuram poisoning.
Note: the author once observed how a cable welder, who the day before had “taken on his chest” the usual and habitual dose of vodka, descended into a cable well into which tiuram had previously been poured to kill rats. He sniffed a little - he wheezed, swayed, turned blue and fell dead.
Thiuram is still not potassium cyanide, but its toxicological indicators are strict:
- LD90 for humans, orally, mg/kg body weight – 50 (approximately based on statistics of clinical cases).
- The same, inhalation – 15 mg/kg.
- ADI for humans – 0.002 mg/kg.
- TAC in soil – 0.06 mg/kg.
- MPC in water of reservoirs is 0.01 mg/m3. dm.
- MPC in the air of the working area (for trained workers in PPE, see below) – 0.5 mg/m3. m.
- MPC in ambient air (for outsiders without PPE) – 0.05 mg/cubic meter. m.
But keep in mind that all these data are averaged, and the individual spread of sensitivity to TMTD is very large. Thus, there have been cases of fatal poisoning of healthy adults without bad habits from ingestion of doses of thiuram of 20 and 23 mg/kg, or 1.6-1.8 g in terms of a large man - this is almost cyanide.
Acute thiuram poisoning develops within 12-24 hours, but can also begin suddenly without any apparent reason due to the lipotropic nature of the substance. Provoking factors – great physical and/or emotional stress, heat, stress and other factors causing increased “burning” of fats; Chemical weight loss products are especially dangerous.
Symptoms of acute intoxication: headache, sweating (cold sweat), tachycardia in combination with arrhythmia, drop in blood pressure, chest pain, shortness of breath, suffocation, cyanosis (blue skin), swelling of the liver and/or thyroid gland (goiter), severe vomiting ( before the eruption of bile), conjunctivitis, bronchitis, urticaria. Possible long-term consequences are asthenic conditions, diecephalic pathologies, vegetative-vascular dystonia.
Chronic thiuram poisoning is characterized by headaches, dizziness, weakness and memory loss, a constant feeling of bitterness in the mouth, decreased appetite up to an irresistible aversion to food (toxicogenic anorexia), chest pain and pain in the epigastric region, chronic runny nose (frequent nosebleeds are possible) , cough, pain in the eyes, conjunctivitis. There are also no general treatments for chronic thiuram poisoning; treatment - according to objective indications, i.e. again without any guarantee of success.
Video: about the dangers of thiuram
Use of Thiuram for prevention
The drug Thiuram is toxic. If there are people or pets in the room, then it cannot be used, even for preventive purposes. But it is very convenient to use this toxic substance on weekends or when the whole family goes on vacation for several holidays. For Tiuram, 24 hours is enough to have a detrimental effect on domestic parasites.
For preventive purposes, Tiuram powder or solution should be applied to a sheet of paper (this will make it easier to remove later) and spread out in certain places. Be sure to insert it into the ventilation grille and leave it in the entrance door opening, near the balcony door. Place it around the perimeter of the apartment, under upholstered furniture. In the kitchen, sheets of paper should be under the refrigerator, near the trash can, under the sink, near cabinets, in places where they constantly accumulate.
After returning, sheets with toxic contents must be collected and wet cleaned. If you carry out such prevention once a month, then cockroaches will stop looking into such a house.
Everyone decides for themselves how to deal with domestic parasites. But this must be done, because they are carriers of many dangerous diseases, for example, tuberculosis.
Recommendations for the use of Thiuram
After treatment with Tiuram, there will be no trace of cockroaches left. Nevertheless, even after bullying you will have to work hard to clean the apartment.
All things will need to be washed, the dishes washed, the floors and cabinets washed with a damp cloth, and the refrigerator washed. In other words, clear the entire space of the drug.
Note! At the same time, you will need to use additional means to prevent the appearance of Prussians very carefully and only after the room has been completely cleaned.