How to get rid of whiteflies on indoor flowers at home

Whitefly on indoor plants appears due to various problems. If there are no external signs of disease on a crop, then it is quite difficult to find out whether it has fallen ill or not. To get healthy flowers, you need to fully prepare the soil and seeds for planting and follow all aspects of care. Only in this case, indoor crops and other plantings are rarely affected by infections and have strong immunity. You can get rid of whiteflies using traditional methods and special preparations.

Characteristics of the pest

Many plant growers are interested in: how to deal with malicious garden pests such as whiteflies? It often settles in greenhouses, greenhouses, less often in the open air or indoor plants, actively reproduces, and can seriously damage the crop, even to the point of its complete destruction, if measures are not taken in time. Whitefly, also known as aleurodidae, is a very common pest that occurs in greenhouses. Aleron means flour in Greek.

The parasite is an insect capable of flight, vaguely resembling a white moth with a body length of less than 0.2-0.3 cm. It settles in large colonies, damaging more than 600 species of cultivated and weed plants, preferring the youngest, succulent leaves. Thanks to elastic wings covered with a waxy coating, the creature is reliably protected from the influence of the vast majority of insecticides. Its larvae look like grayish grains.

In the natural environment, the whitefly feeds on a variety of flowers, but it really likes cucumbers, tomatoes, eggplants, and peppers in greenhouses. Hundreds, thousands of pests can quickly destroy almost the entire crop in greenhouses of any size. The insect does not reveal itself for a long time, hiding under the crown of the plant.

For its nutrition, the creature uses not specifically the leaves, but the juice that is inside them. As a result of such exposure, the plant quickly loses strength, new shoots stop appearing, individual parts wither, the stem dries out, becomes brittle, which leads to death. The insect sucks out a huge amount of liquid, releasing most of it directly onto the plantings, which is why they become covered with a sticky coating, which favors the appearance of various forms of fungus, almost completely blocking the ability to photosynthesis.

The most dangerous species

Aleurodids are a family of 1,500 insect species, about 20 of which are dangerous to crops. The most common is the greenhouse or greenhouse type, once imported from South America. In mid-latitudes, the pest is able to survive year-round. Not only does he fly well, but he also runs fast on 6 long legs. Belongs to Hemiptera.

Southern regions are often attacked by tobacco whitefly. It is distinguished by the fact that the wings are folded on the sides, rather than in the shape of a roof. Control of various pests may differ slightly in all respects. Cotton or tobacco produces 20-25 generations per year, but actively develops only at a temperature of +32-36 degrees.

Acid aleurodide is often brought from China along with citrus seedlings. This is a quarantine insect that is not able to survive in temperate climates, but is dangerous in warm regions. Strawberry and cabbage varieties are also often found. They produce no more than 1 generation per season, the damage from them is insignificant, unlike those species that feed on any weeds.

Most of them bury themselves in the ground for the winter, in compost heaps, where they wait for favorable conditions to procreate. Among other things, the pest spreads many diseases:

  • virus of tomato leaf curl and tobacco plants - they become yellow and sharply deformed;
  • golden mosaic;
  • infectious yellowing of cucumbers and certain types of lettuce.

Life cycle of an insect pest

Aleurodida reproduces excessively quickly. It is almost impossible to control the population that has settled in a greenhouse. The parasite lays eggs on the inside of the leaf - there they are hardly noticeable, and their removal is problematic. The hatched larvae look for their own food. If you do not destroy them at this stage, then, having matured and already flying, the whiteflies move to other plants, gradually infecting them all.

The life cycle of a moth is quite complex:

  • laying eggs - the female gives 120-250 eggs during one period, 15-20 at a time. She lives for about a month;
  • first instar larvae hatch in 12-13 days. They are called “strays” because they quickly spread throughout the plant;
  • larvae of the second instar - stick to the most juicy parts, being motionless and covered with a waxy coating;
  • larvae of 3-4 instars – full-fledged insects emerge;
  • adult individuals have the ability to fly and actively eat available vegetables.

In comfortable conditions, all stages are mastered in 25-45 days - if the environment is warm and humid enough. Fertility directly depends on the plant-breadwinner - the juicier it is, the more rapidly the parasite multiplies. Its maximum abundance is observed in July-August, especially if there are frequent warm rains.

What you need to know about whitefly infestation?

It is not difficult to determine that vegetables are affected by this particular insect - the “traces” of pests resemble an invasion of aphids. The leaves quickly become sticky, curl, and are covered with yellow-brownish spots. If you touch the plant, a flock of white, very small butterflies takes off from it and flutters from place to place. When this is noticed, all vegetation in the greenhouse should be carefully examined to identify signs of damage:

  • vegetable crops are greatly retarded in growth;
  • the leaves have yellow fuzzy spots, some are deformed, some are already withering;
  • the whole plant is covered with a honey-like sticky layer;
  • there are areas of black color - sooty fungus that accompanies dew;
  • the lower part of the leaves is partially covered with translucent scales - these are aleurodid larvae.

    When at least one symptom is present - the entire crop in the greenhouse is under threat of destruction, in order to save it, some criteria must be urgently adopted.

Why does this parasite appear?

There are many reasons why this creature gets wound up. For example, when the summer is rainy but warm, the pest loves high humidity and temperature, so it often settles in greenhouses. He will like those greenhouses where vegetables and flowers grow too close to each other, while there is practically no sufficient ventilation.

It is advisable to begin the fight against harmful insects as early as possible - long before harvest:

  • plantings are planted at a great distance from each other;
  • high-quality, frequent ventilation is organized;
  • fertilized with effective biostimulants;
  • do not spray if humidity is high.

Preparations such as Domotsvet, Epin, Amulet, etc. will be useful as feeding.

Description of the whitefly, its reproduction

The whitefly belongs to the tiny sucking parasites. It looks like a cream-colored moth with a small body of 1-2 mm, covered with a transparent waxy coating reminiscent of flour. The female lays grayish eggs on the lower part of the leaf, attached to small stalks. Under favorable conditions, 300 eggs per season, 10-20 eggs at a time.

The hatched greenish larvae have an oblong shape, antennae and three pairs of legs. Having found a favorable place for their feeding, they attach themselves and lose mobility, resembling whitish scales. Mostly young leaves are selected, but if there are large numbers, they are placed on other parts of the plant. Their sugary secretions are dangerous because they are favorable soil for the development of sooty fungus, which clogs leaf stomata and interferes with sunlight. It is the larvae that cause the main damage. They gradually increase in size and go through several stages of molting. At the last stage, the white coating covering the larva hardens. She is ready to turn into a butterfly.

The development cycle is 3-5 weeks.

A plant infected with whitefly has leaves that dry out and buds that are deformed. It prefers to breed on fuchsia, balsam, begonia, lantana and geranium (pelargonium), but can also attack other species. In greenhouses it lives on cucumbers, tomatoes, eggplants and peppers.

Ways to combat whitefly

The “war” against whiteflies can be waged using traditional methods and potent pesticides. Among other things, there are sprays, traps, sticks, and fumigators to combat the parasite. Insecticides make the plant sap poisonous - the insect drinks it, then becomes inactive. That is, only the larvae and adults disappear, but all the eggs remain. To completely get rid of it, you will have to carry out the treatment procedure at least 3 times.

Folk remedies act differently: when they get on the body of a pest, they poison it. Before any processing begins, the greenhouse is carefully prepared. Vegetables severely affected by sooty fungus, which have brown-black spots on the leaves, should be dug up by the roots and destroyed - burned. It will no longer be possible to save them.

How to treat a greenhouse against insects?

Some of the fairly reliable methods:

  • Freezing. Aleurodida loves warmth; when the temperature drops even to +8-9 degrees, it dies. This only applies to adult insects. The larvae burrow into the ground, easily tolerating frost. Experts recommend partially disassembling the greenhouse for the winter so that it freezes thoroughly. All removed parts are washed, and the corners where pest eggs may be located are cleaned with a brush. The top layer of soil is removed and carefully dug up.
  • Smoke is also widely used. The greenhouse is fumigated with special smoke bombs containing sulfur - all larvae are quickly destroyed. They are usually lit overnight, after which the top layer of soil is removed. This method is completely unacceptable for structures with a galvanized metal frame - because it is easy to damage. The greenhouse is usually treated with copper sulfate.

Causes of whitefly

Much depends not even on you, but on the region in which you live. You already know from our article that the whitefly prefers hot or simply warm regions. In such a habitat, the insect is everywhere. As for their appearance in the house, the pest can get there:

  1. With a new plant that you either picked somewhere on the street, or bought and did not check well enough.
  2. The whitefly can simply be blown into a window or through a door by the wind. Even the window mesh won't save you.
  3. Some types of whiteflies are found in soil, so be careful what kind of soil you use for a new plant in your home garden.

Particular attention must be paid if:

  1. Your plants are planted too closely together (this applies to both indoor, outdoor, and greenhouse plants).
  2. There is a greenhouse farm nearby. Be that as it may, the whitefly prefers mainly greenhouse conditions. So if something like this is nearby, constantly devote time to preventive measures.
  3. If you have poor ventilation in your home or area, this can also cause whiteflies to appear.

Mechanical means of killing moths

The old-fashioned method of fighting parasites is the safest for plants, but is ineffective. Aleurodida is collected by hand and knocked down with a powerful stream of water from a hose. Having collected adult insects, the leaves are processed by washing them from larvae and honeydew using a soap solution. To prepare it, take 1 part of shabby laundry soap, 6 parts of water at a temperature of 65-75 degrees. Cool the liquid, moisten a cotton wool or sponge with it, and wash the leaf plates.

Particular attention should be paid to the inner sides, where larvae and eggs are usually found. This method makes sense if the greenhouse is very small, otherwise it will require too much effort. Sticky traps are more effective. They are produced in sunny yellow or bright blue color. These colors are very attractive to whiteflies - the parasite willingly lands on them.

Some time after hanging the trap strips, it becomes clear whether there were a lot of pests in the greenhouse. The quantity should be chosen at the rate of at least one per 10 square meters. m of greenhouse area. Instead of store-bought Velcro, sometimes they make their own trap: they take rosin, paper, honey, paint, castor oil, and Vaseline. The active ingredients are melted in a water bath, mixed, castor oil and the remaining ingredients are added. All components must be the same quantity. Then the paper is cut into strips and painted yellow and blue.

The mixture is cooled, applied to colored paper, and placed in different places in the greenhouse. The easiest way is to use painted sheets of plywood - the parasites are washed off with running water, when there are a lot of them stuck, the product is applied again. The effectiveness of traps, if made correctly, is average.

Another option: take plastic or thick cardboard, painted yellow. Entomological glue is applied to it. The lighting is also installed there. Suspend the structure near the tops of plants. If you do this in the evening, up to 90% of the whiteflies will stick in 1-2 hours. At night they set another trap: a small box with a yellow light in it, and a tray with moisture at the bottom. Insects fly into the light, get burned, are thrown into water, and die.

Traditional methods

The simplest methods of combating these insects are effective only at the initial stage. It’s just that they are initially used to disrupt the normal life cycle of pests.

Treating leaves with water

To prevent the larvae from degenerating into adults, it is necessary to treat the foliage with water for one week . Until this time, the larvae, being on the outside of the leaf, suck out all the juices from the plant. To reduce the number of pests, you need to destroy the maximum number of larvae. Therefore, once every 6-7 days you need to thoroughly wipe all the leaves with a damp sponge. A soap solution is best suited for this. Try to remove any larvae from the leaves. After a certain time, you will completely get rid of parasites.

But this method can only be used in the case of a small amount of planting. For example, in large plantings, in greenhouses and greenhouses, this method is labor-intensive and ineffective.

Decrease temperature

If the temperature is reduced to 8 degrees or less, the adult butterflies die, but a certain number of eggs laid remain and go into hibernation. After the temperature rises above 17 degrees, the larvae come to life again and continue to harm the plant.

Other folk methods are different compositions with which it is necessary to either water the infected bush or spray it:

  1. Garlic tincture. For 1 liter of water you need to take two crushed cloves of garlic (approximately 5 g). Mix everything, close it in a glass container and put it in a dark place. After a day, the tincture is decanted and used for spraying. Usually 3-4 treatments are enough, between which it is necessary to take a break of 6-7 days.
  2. Soap composition. To make this solution, you can use tar or laundry soap. It needs to be grated. Soap is dissolved in water in a ratio of 1:5. This composition must be thoroughly beaten to form a foam, and then, using a sponge, the composition must be applied to the surface of the bush. The green parts can be sprayed. In certain cases, all parasites are destroyed after the first use. But most often a new treatment is required after a week.
  3. Dandelion tincture. To prepare this tincture, you will need 45 g of dandelion leaves and the same amount of roots. They are ground and then mixed with 1 liter of water. After 5 days the tincture will be ready. After decanting, it is used as a spray. The treatment is done several times, and the interval is observed every 6-7 days.
  4. Tobacco tincture. To prepare this tincture, you will need to buy the cheapest cigarettes. Gut the tobacco from them and add to a liter of warm water. Place the composition in a dark room and after one week the tincture is ready for use. It must be decanted and used for spraying. Treatment is carried out every 3 days until you get rid of insects.
  5. Yarrow tincture. For 1 liter of water you will need approximately 100 g of fresh yarrow leaves. Everything needs to be mixed and allowed to brew for 2 days. Afterwards, the composition must be decanted and the plant can be sprayed with it. 3-4 treatments with an interval of 6-7 days are enough.

Biological methods

This technique is very original - the pest is destroyed by another parasite. For this purpose, insect predators or biological agents are selected that will happily feed on whiteflies, but will not covet tomatoes, peppers, or cucumbers. Encrasia are insects 0.5-0.6 cm in size that destroy others. Parasitic parasites lay eggs in their prey, and the hatching larva completely kills it. One adult female is capable of destroying up to 50 aleurodids.

If no eggs are found, the rider pierces the larva, sucking out the lymphatic fluid from it. Encarzia destroys most of the most common whitefly species, significantly reducing their numbers, but rarely exterminating them completely.

Test tubes with 60-100 eggs are sold in special stores and on Internet sites, and the kit includes instructions for effective breeding. The contents are poured into several paper cups, placing them around the greenhouse every 300 cm. Encrasia sense whiteflies located at a distance of up to 20 meters. At the same time, you cannot spray the space with any chemical reagents - the enkrasia will also die.

Ladybugs and the predatory macrolophus bug protect well from aleurodids. The latter is usually housed, and yarrow, daisies, and marigolds are planted for the ladybug. Macrofulus is able to feed on plants for a long time, but only if protein food is not available. It has a greenish color and spends the winter in the ground. To combat whiteflies, 1-3 individuals are required for every 1 square meter. m. Dill planted around the perimeter of the greenhouse attracts equestrians - the worst enemies of the parasite.

Verticillin Zh is a biological preparation that contains spores of the fungus verticillium. When they hit the surface of the body of an adult insect, they germinate, not only killing this individual, but also infecting others. It should be used 2 times with an interval of 8-10 days. Ashersonia also causes epidemics in many parasites, including whiteflies. Boveria is a mushroom that is most active at a temperature of +25-28 degrees, causing enormous damage to the moth, sharply reducing its number.

Peculiarities of the pest's life

Whitefly is an extremely difficult pest to remove, very often appearing on indoor plants. Moreover, this parasite is also difficult to notice. The fact is that this parasite looks extremely inconspicuous. Externally, the whitefly is somewhat reminiscent of a moth, only in a special shade. This pest has a flat, flattened body. As for its color, much depends on the type of whitefly. But most often the pest’s body is pale, yellow-red, white or greenish.

Interestingly, the pest got its name thanks to its wings, the color of which is snow-white or cream. It is by these wings that you can identify the pest that has “visited” your plant.

Another peculiarity of the pest is that it is one of the few insects that react almost instantly to danger. As soon as you even slightly touch the bush on which these pests are located, they instantly take off and land back on the bush only if it is in a complete state of rest.

The danger of this pest lies in the fact that this pest is very voracious. No wonder they compare him to locusts. So if even one of your plants has been attacked by it, then immediately take control measures, and also carry out preventive measures for other plants in the house, greenhouse or garden.

Initially, this pest operated in the warm and humid climate of South America, but gradually, together with exotic plants, it moved to other countries of our planet. Today, the whitefly family includes more than 1,500 different species. Most of them prefer a warm and humid climate, the same as in their “homeland,” but if you live in a temperate or even cool climate, then you should not relax, because some types of whiteflies have become accustomed to surviving in difficult conditions.

However, most whitefly species are active exclusively in the summer, especially on plants located outside. As for the cold seasons, the pest prefers to survive them in the form of larvae and eggs, which the whitefly lays in secluded places.

It is almost impossible to find such places on purpose, so the best means of combating whiteflies is preventive measures. But do not forget that the pest is capable of operating in houses and greenhouses, and in such conditions it is capable of causing harm and multiplying all year round.

However, the main danger from the pest comes in the summer. It is during this period that the peak of reproductive activity occurs. For example, individual females are capable of laying almost 300 eggs at a time. Individuals are formed quite quickly. The first larvae will appear on your plant in just 10 days. And they do even more harm than adult larvae. They become adults in a month, sometimes in 20 days. And most importantly, as statistics show, almost all individuals survive until this period.

Thus, the pest can multiply to incredible numbers. Sometimes only one generation is capable of producing 2-3 cycles of offspring. This means that on just one plant the whitefly can be present in all its forms. The individual does not live long, about 3 weeks. But during this time she manages to do a lot of nasty things.

An interesting fact: despite the fact that the insect loves warm regions and warm seasons, intense heat simply kills the pest. For example, at air temperatures above 30°C, the lifespan of an insect is reduced to several days. A similar situation occurs at temperatures below +18°C.

Insecticides for greenhouse parasites

This method is used only as a last resort, when other methods have failed. The chemical stays in the plant body for more than 30 days - it is prohibited to eat processed vegetables during this time, so this option is not welcome.

The most effective drugs for whiteflies:

Aktara is a multi-component composition that can protect plants for about 5 weeks. To ensure that the parasites die after the first use, the concentration of the solution is 3 times greater than what is written on the package. All vegetables are irrigated at the root. You can make a solution as in the instructions. Moisturizing and spraying will have to be repeated 3-4 times with weekly breaks.

  • Teppeki - contains flonicamid, destroys many types of parasites. Remains effective for up to 30 days. Kills whiteflies almost instantly and does not cause tolerance.
  • Confidor is a very effective drug, it kills insects in one shot and is sold in ampoules. The result is noticeable after 1.5-2 hours - the parasites die en masse. The active ingredient here is imidacloprid. Analogues containing the same substance: Marathon, Gaucho, Commander, Kopfidor, Provado, Admir.

    Match - eliminates adult whiteflies, their larvae, eggs. Valid for up to 3 weeks after treatment. Plants are thoroughly sprayed, which allows you to destroy pests in one go. Spark is the most effective, according to most gardeners. Produced in the form of tablets and sticks. The solution is watered on all the vegetables in the greenhouse - the whitefly dies, but the harmful components of the preparations are found in the leaves, fruits, roots, and soil for about a month. Tanrek - affects the nerve impulses of the parasite, retains properties on leaves for up to 1 month, in soil - more than 180 days, does not affect fruits. Repeated use, if necessary, is carried out after 20 days. When processing, it should be taken into account that the solution is also harmful to bees.

The most popular among gardeners:

  • Fitoverm is a contact-intestinal drug that is effective for up to 3 days. The insect dies from eating plants or getting the composition on its body - paralysis occurs. It is recommended to mix it with soap solution. The product is harmless to others, but is expensive, and its effectiveness is below average.
  • Actellik is a very effective weapon. Parasites die in 3-4 days. The drug is very toxic; it is not advisable to do more than 4 treatments per season. For use in greenhouses, personal protective equipment should be used.
  • Aploud is a drug from Japan that works for about a month. Best used in the morning. Evaporating, it gives an additional effect; it does not affect the fruit.
  • Biotlin - kills both adult pests and their eggs and larvae. The liquid depresses the digestive system of the moth - it cannot feed. When using, protect your skin and respiratory organs.

    Benzyl benzoate is used as an unconventional remedy. The emulsion is bought at the pharmacy, the ratio is liter of water per 50 ml of the drug. Plants should be treated immediately. Sometimes the fumigator Trunchfluthrin is used - flying individuals are destroyed within 1-2 days, but it does not affect the larvae and eggs, so the treatment is repeated every other day until the entire population is completely destroyed.

How to detect whitefly

As is the case with any other pest, whitefly is very difficult to detect, especially in the initial stages of development. However, there are several signs that will allow you to detect the problem in time and also take precautions in time.

Like any other pests, whitefly larvae prefer to live on the underside of the leaf. There you can notice either a cluster of these insects or their larvae covered with a waxy shell. It is not difficult to identify them, because they resemble tubercles. In addition, the larvae are often found both on the stems and on the surface side of the leaves. In this case, they are usually found in a special substance secreted by insects.

In the later stages of the infection, you may notice a problem when the plant begins to gradually die. Its leaves will begin to turn yellow and curl, and the stem will become deformed. Fungal infections are also common.

As for detecting adult individuals, there probably couldn’t be a simpler method. As soon as you touch the infected plant, all the whiteflies that have infected your bush will immediately fly into the air. This is a clear sign that urgent action needs to be taken.

Again, in the later stages of infection, react to the behavior, growth and development of the plant itself. Do not forget that the plaque left by the whitefly provokes the appearance of fungus, and that indoor plants affected by this fungus can no longer be saved.

Alternative Methods

Instead of insecticides, practically harmless folk recipes are often used:

  • sugar syrup;
  • a solution of garlic or tobacco;
  • tincture of dandelion or yarrow.

To prepare a potion from yarrow, take 90 g of the dried plant, add 1 liter of water, and leave for 2-3 days. The leaves are sprayed with a spray bottle and wiped with a sponge dipped in the mixture. Tansy planted in the corners of the greenhouse also helps a lot.

Garlic tincture is made as follows: 160 g of the grated component is poured into 1 liter of water, left for 4-5 days. The resulting solution is diluted to 5 percent, and the vegetables are sprayed. It is very effective if there are not very many insects. You can also take 50 g of dandelion rhizomes, 50 g of its leaves, add a liter of water, leave for a week. Greenhouse plants are treated with the product twice, with an interval of 7-10 days.

For small spaces, any tablets or anti-moth preparations are suitable - each vegetable is supplied with them. Whiteflies tolerate the smell of lavender extremely poorly. Sometimes “cat” shampoo with permethrin is diluted in half and sprayed on plants. It should be remembered that shag infusion is not suitable for combating the tobacco variety of insect.


If the infection is quite severe or traditional methods are ineffective, then it is necessary to use chemicals . The following remedies for controlling whiteflies are considered the most effective.

Aktara drug

The most effective drug in the fight against this pest is considered to be Aktara's whitefly remedy. It is characterized by its long-lasting effect, since it can protect the plant for a period of 1 to 2 months. The diluted mixture only needs to be watered at the root of the bush.

Thiamethoxam, which is in this product, penetrates the sap of the plant and leads to the death of insects, both adult whiteflies and the eggs they lay. If the infestation is quite significant, then at the same time as watering, experienced gardeners also recommend spraying the flower with the composition. Moreover, the treatment must be performed 3 times with a time interval of 6-7 days.

Important: In order to be guaranteed to get rid of whiteflies after the first use of the drug, instead of 12 liters of water per package of the drug, you need to add 2-3 liters. The concentrated composition will not harm the flower, even when this solution gets on the leaves. The composition must be watered at the root of the flower and all pests will die.

Confidor product

This is a fairly effective remedy with contact and systemic effects. One hour after treatment, the parasites die. Most often, just one treatment is enough to destroy the entire population.

The main component of this product is imidacloprid . The same substance is found in different proportions in such drugs as Gaucho, Copfitor, Aplaud, Komandor, Marathon, Pravado, Admir. If necessary, they can be replaced with each other.

Akarin or Agravertin

These drugs are used to get rid of a large number of pests, for example, spider mites, whiteflies, and several types of nematodes. The bush must be sprayed with this product. To do this, you need to thoroughly moisten the leaves and try to get them directly on the pests.

These drugs are insectoaricides that have a contact-intestinal effect. This means that they can act on parasites both during direct contact and when ingested simultaneously with food.

Spark (Double Effect, Gold, Bio)

It is made in the form of long-acting sticks or tablets that dissolve in water or liquid in ampoules. The bush must be watered with this mixture. After a certain time, the active components of the composition penetrate into the plant tissue and remain in them for up to one month. Most often, one treatment is enough to get rid of parasites.

Do not use the same product more than once to control whiteflies. These insects can develop immunity and then the fight will not have its effect. It is also not recommended to use very aggressive means. Toxic chemicals accumulate in the soil and are then very difficult to remove. When starting the fight against whiteflies, it is necessary to take into account their life cycle and use the appropriate means.

Preventive measures

To prevent the reappearance of aleurodida, in the fall, after harvesting, the tops are taken away and completely burned. For the winter, the soil in the greenhouse is carefully dug up. If there is a composter in the greenhouse, it is also removed so that whiteflies and other parasites do not appear again. In the spring, before planting, the soil is spilled with a solution of copper sulfate.

Also, to prevent the whitefly from settling in the greenhouse again and starting to feed and reproduce there, you need to constantly inspect vegetable crops. Avoid excessive watering, especially when it’s hot - less, but more often is better. It is imperative to maintain a normal temperature. Feed the plants in a timely manner - if they are strong, the likelihood of insect damage is reduced.

Agrotechnical standards for planting crops must be strictly observed. Frequent ventilation of the greenhouse is necessary.

The fight against pest moths can be long and difficult, but this is not a death sentence for the crop, so it makes sense to bring it to the end.

Preventive actions

  • During the growing season and at the end of the season, carefully remove all plant residues from crops and weeds so that adults of whiteflies and other pests do not lay eggs on them.
  • Be sure to disinfect the greenhouse space and soil in the fall.
  • Carry out the agrotechnical measures provided for by the technology in the open ground.
  • During the growing season, do not overfeed the plants, especially with nitrogen fertilizers, strictly follow the watering regime.
  • If you are engaged in organic farming, then to protect crops from whiteflies, you can add the macrolophus bug and the amblyseius mite to the predatory crops, especially in greenhouses and conservatories. They significantly reduce the number of whiteflies. You can purchase them at specialized retail outlets and populate them according to the recommendations.
  • During the growing season, sometimes it is enough to prepare a strong solution of laundry soap (not bleach) and spray the plants or rinse with a stream of cold water.

A plant leaf infected with whitefly. © naturgucker

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